Chapter 6

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" I think I am your mate. " I told him and the room fell into deep silence. I can hear my own heart beat.

" I think I know that..." he said and now I am surprised. " It has been a long time , my wolf is little tired not dead...I know that you're my mate. " he said and now I don't know what else to say.

" So , I am here to discuss with you about it. What should we do now ? " I asked him. He should get the chance to choose. We just don't have few years gap , we have few generation gap between us.

" What you want to discuss? " he asked me. " I have not told anyone, I wanted to ask you first that you're my you want this thing to go on or ?" I don't think I can be more direct than it.

" I see , well you see I am a traditional man. When I promise someone something I keep it for life and I am promised to my Luna.." he said and I can feel my wolf ' maya ' going nuts .

" The one who is dead .... " I tried to help him remember that his Luna is dead. I don't want to disrespect the previous's just she is resting in peace.

" Yes ...and the way you have found me. I was thinking maybe I can find her too. " he said and well , I am really surprised. ' what the actual f*** ? ' was my wolf Maya's reaction.

" So you want to look for your dead mate ...make her alive again. " I tried to understand what he is trying to mean. He nodded.

" You do realise that both of you died really long time ago. You're here because your body was preserved. " I tried to reason with him a little.

" Yes I know that ...and I also know where she is buried... cause she died while saving me I kept her in deep cave of an enchanted mountain where her body will not rott and be perfectly fine after years. " he said and well that is something else.

" So , now you will find that cave , rescue your mate and be together with her ? " I asked him and my drama queen wolf has gone incognito mode again.

" I am promised to her. I am sorry. I am sure like me you will also find your second mate ....your ' The one ' someday. " he said and well I understand that. " See I don't believe in the traditional mate system anyway, if you don't wanna be with me , just don't be with me. So you don't have to be sorry about it. " I ensured him that's it's okay.

" So let's do the thing and get it over with. " I told him. " Why don't you do it's not nice to reject a lady. I will really feel bad to reject the person who brought me back to life. " he said and well Quite a gentleman.

" Okay , I khushi Sharma, reject you Alpha Arnav Hudson as my mate. " I said , a golden thread appeared between our hearts .

" I Alpha Arnav Hudson, accept your rejection. " Said Arnav and that thread broke for a second and than it joined again forming a strong connection and disappearing.

" Did it broke? " I asked him. " Nope , it joined again...not broken. " he said .
" Let's try it you reject me." I told him , who knows that may work.

" Alright, I Alpha Arnav Hudson reject you Khushi Sharma as my mate. " he said and looked towards me. My turn so I told that I accepted his rejection still the process didn't went exactly how we planned.

" What are we doing wrong? " I asked him , even though he seems to have no idea about it. " Why the bond is not breaking? " he asked .

" You don't worry about it , I think You came back to life the bond is still fresh ...if we just give it some time I am sure it will break. " I told him and he nodded.

" That actually makes sense. Alright as you say. " he said. I have to read few books on it. " Samrat got me some clothes, he said I can join you people from tomorrow as research student in your college. " he said with a smile, which is so beautiful.

" That's amazing. I will see you in college than. " I told him and was about to get up when I felt him holding my hand. As I turned around I saw his eyes colour has changed.

He is not in control, it's his wolf who is in control. I sat down while his eyes are on me. " Hey ! I am khushi, you're? " I asked him ( some say , wolf and the man are samething but it's wrong. The wolf inside us has its own mind and sometimes have totally different personalities than us).

" Hudson"  he said ( wolves doesn't have much vocabulary, they learn little human language from us , like I understand maya properly, but if she takes control and talks she knows twenty words only ).

" You wanted to talk with me ? " I  asked him . " No , rejection.. Hudson no like. " he said and I want to laugh now. Arnav may not be in control but he can hear him , he must be going crazy.

" Now when we rejected each other and, was it you who stopped the process? " I asked him. " No " he said , well it wasn't him than. " Alright, I will talk with Arnav , you need to listen him too okay. " I told him and he nodded.

" You want anything else ? " I asked him." Run " he said. " You want to run , we have a running ground I will take you let Arnav take control. " I told him pressing my hand on his face.

He closed his eyes, leaning on my hand and than when he opened his eyes Arnav was back. I pulled back my hand.

" Sorry about that. " Said Arnav looking embarrassed. " It's fine , I understand don't be sorry. I must leave , see you soon. " I told him and left his room. Have to go library as soon as possible.

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