chapter 5

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" I do now....let me go..." I told and ignored him and than he said something which stopped me in my track. " I know you're his mate. " I turned and looked towards him. He smiled and stood in front of me . 

" Lets go for a nice cup of coffee shall we. " he said and I nodded. we walked into a nearby café, he ordered a cup of coffee for me and something that he likes to drink for him. " How do you know ?" I asked him. 

" I have seen your behaviour around him and I know that you're his mate. And the way his words are effecting you...and the way you almost killed sahara.. it's very clear. " said Aditya and well I think I was very obvious. 

" I just came to know about it yesterday...and even I am not sure what to do about it. " I told him very frankly. " Are you going to tell him ? " he asked me. well I haven't thought about it yet. " I don't know , I am not sure about it.

" I don't know what to do. What do you suggest? " I asked him. " Well , he woke up after years , his wolf has not fully healed...I don't think he will feel the bond I think it's better if you directly talk with him. " Suggested Aditya.

" From the time he woke up he is asking for his Luna. Do you think he will take this news positively? " I asked him and his by expression I know his answer .

" But he is your mate and mates are supposed to stay together doesn't matter what. " Said Aditya. " I don't believe in such myths. Problems can happen and I think the only thing which can be possible here is rejection. " I told , my wolf howled in pain.

She didn't liked the idea at all. She doesn't want to reject her mate , the mate with whom she hasn't met yet.  Why things turned in such direction?

" I think you should have a proper talk with him and than decide. " Said Aditya and I think he is right. I should talk with him first before taking any decision.

Sahara ( POV )

" And here your temperature is normal and heart rate normal..I think we can safely say you're doing great. " I told him. We are out in the backyard to do some running.

We wanted to see if Arnav is doing good or not. Weather he will be able to do all the physical work like us or not. He did passed the test with flying colours.

" Here water for you. " Said samrat and handed him a water bottle. We all sat down together. We have to plan our next move. What to do next ?

" I have a question..." Said Arnav. " Go ahead. " Said samrat lying on the grass. " Date is to , month or year you go in it ? " Asked Arnav which made us all laugh.

" It's not day , month and's a term used when a couple meets together...say for ice cream or to
talk. " said Aditya who just walked back .

Khushi haven't returned yet. I wonder who is her date ? Has she found her date ? " Oh I see you're saying she went to meet with her mate ? " asked Arnav.

" She doesn't have a mate so I think she is looking for one. " told Karishma. " One person must wait for there mate and not wonder around with others. " Said Arnav.

" True , but even to find mates we must go out or how to find one. " Said Aditya and well that makes sense.

" So what's next ? What are we going to do next ? " asked Aditya. " For few days Arnav has to stay in disguise. You can join our college and stay here for few days , till you get better. " Said samrat.

" And no one will recognise him... amazing " said Kushi who walked in with a bag . " Here I bought coffee for everyone. " She said and handed us cups of coffee.

" Yes , cause I have learned a new trick. It's called ' disguise ' . I can change his looks , so we will see him as it is but others will not recognise him. " Said Aditya . Well that may work.

" Well , I can just don't have to bother with me. " Said Arnav and I think that's the worst idea ever.

" And what will you do ? You don't know about morder things , morden will you survive? We don't even know who are waiting for you outside. " Said samrat to him.

" Arnav stay here with us for few months , study about morder time , things and when you think you have know can go in your way. " I told him.

" Not a bad idea. So it's decided that you're staying with us. You will join college with us , learn the basic things and then you can go. " Said samrat to him. And I think he liked the idea .

Khushi ( POV)

3 weeks later

As Aditya Suggested I think I should discuss with Arnav first and than come to any conclusion. I think it's better to talk with him .

But what will I tell him ? ' Hello I am your mate ' ? That will be very awkward. And the way he is trying to leave , the way he talks about his mate.

I don't think he will ever accept me as his mate. But since I have decided to talk with him about it than I will.

I will talk with him about it . Than together decide what to do about it. Arnav walked in the room.

" You wanted to talk with me " asked Arnav and I nodded. He walked in and sat down.

" I don't know how to put it or how to let you know. " I began to tell him. Hey moon godess support me.

" I am surprised myself...but a few days ago I found out something
important. " I told him. " What is it ? " Asked Arnav. Well it's time. I have to do it. I told " I think I am your mate. "

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