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Clarissa's POV

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Clarissa's POV

Surgeons are control freaks. With a scalpel in your hand, you feel unstoppable. There's no fear, there's no pain. You're ten feet tall and bullet proof. And then you leave the O.R. And all that perfection. All that beautiful control just falls downhill. But there's no such thing as perfection. Everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses, and it's important to embrace both.

"Hey sunshine." Alex says as I entered the locker room and put my things in my locker. Callie wants me to keep the splints on for another week just to be safe.

"Hi Alex. How was your date with Annabelle last night?"

"Great. We told each other that we love each other." Alex tells me with a smile on his face as the two of us walk out of the locker room and walk over to our friends.

"That is so great. Do you think she can make me those white chocolate chip cookies?"

"She's already making them for you. Do you think we can watch Ellis' surgery tapes?" Alex asked me when we arrive at the nurses' station where everyone waiting.

"I will have to ask Mommy first. But I am okay with it."

"The answer's yes Alex." Mommy tells Alex before we entered Stephen Gaston's room.

"Mr. Gaston is scheduled for a re-section non-small cell carcinoma today. He did well overnight. Has remained afebrile. He's had a dose of acephitraxon this morning. He's pre-op labs are unremarkable. His chest x-rays are um unchanged from previous." Cristina presents to us.

"I own a couple of dry cleaning stores. Never believed what they said about inhaling the chemicals, but..." Stephen tells us before coughing.

"We're going to do everything we can for you, Mr. Gaston." Dr. Burke tells the man before talking to Cristina. We all headed out of the room and walked to another room where Alex's patient, Kelly Roche laid in her bed.

"Kelly Roche. She's twenty-three years old. In for a scheduled ATS-treatment of her erythrophobia hyperpyrexia." Alex says while George looks confused at what that meant.

"Erythrophobia?" George asks me.


"You have any questions about the procedure?" Dr. Bailey asks Kelly.

"Oh. Dr. Sh..." Kelly blushes badly and she tries to make it go away by fanning her face. This poor woman needs the heat off her.

"Miss Roche. I am going to tell you something embarrassing about me. A year ago I had to have a hysterectomy and because of that, I have to wear a diaper due to my weakening vaginal walls." Izzie starts laughing and Mommy pulls her away from me.

"Tell anyone what Clarissa just disclosed and I'll tell Dr. Webber. He'll make sure that you never see the inside of an OR." Mommy angrily tells her.

"Bailey!" Izzie whines.

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