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Amelia's POV

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Amelia's POV

"I want you to keep this elevated okay? I'll be back to check on you in a little bit." I tell Rick referring to his hand.

"Is what Dr. Grey-Montgomery said true? That you all have vices too?" Rick asks me.

"Yes it's true. I'm addicted to drugs and alcohol but my chosen family and friends support me. Though Clarissa doesn't have vices like you or I do. She's autistic so her vices only happen when she's overwhelmed or harmed by others." Clarissa has been harming herself because of what Izzie did to her.

"My sister's autistic so I understand what you mean. Thank you for not giving up on me Dr. Shepherd." Rick tells me.

"You're welcome and call me Amelia. My biological brother works here so it saves you the confusion." I tell Rick before leaving the room and begin walking to the nurses' station.

"Ouch!" Clarissa cries out, causing me to run to where she's standing and see her scrub top drenched in hot coffee. Izzie was next to her with a smirk on her face as Clarissa's in tears.

"It's just coffee retard!" Izzie says from her spot and I glared at her before giving Clarissa my attention.

"It is really hot coffee." Clarissa says as tears start falling down her face.

"It's going to be okay angel." I promise her before leading her to my office where Virginia was sitting at her desk doing paperwork. Taking off Clarissa's shirt, I see her burns beginning to bubble up. Virginia walks over to us with medical cream and a large bandage.

"This might be cold Clarissa. It's been in my fridge." Virginia tells Clarissa before putting the cream on her stomach.

"Did you accidentally spill the coffee on yourself or did Izzie spill it on you?"

"Izzie did because she is mad that Dr. Bailey put her on scut and thought I had something to do with it. I was on scut yesterday and I did not complain." Clarissa says while Virginia puts the bandage on her stomach. Clarissa puts her scrub shirt back on and the two of us leave the office before heading to the outdoor cafeteria.

"Why don't you go find us a spot angel?" Clarissa nods before skipping away and I get our lunches. Paying for our lunches, I headed to where Clarissa was sitting and noticed that Alex, George and Cristina all had plates with a ton of hotdogs on them.

"Should I even ask what the hell's going on?" I ask them before sitting next to Clarissa.

"My patient is a competitive eater so we're going to try and see if we can do it." Alex tells me while I give Clarissa her food. Meredith sits down on the other side of Clarissa and notices her scrub shirt was wet.

"Izzie spilled hot coffee on Clarissa." Meredith nods before grabbing a stopwatch from Alex. Alex, George and Cristina all begin to eat their hotdogs while Clarissa was trying not to gag when Cristina was dipping her bread into the cup of water.

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