Home is where your heels are💋

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The sun is shining. The birds are singing. The grass is a lovely shade of lime. Oh how dreadful Lilith thought as she drove down the one way road into her "lovely" suburban neighborhood where she lived with her mother and father Brad and Janet majors. She stared out the windshield seeing the children in her neighborhood playing and giggling the intrusive thought of running them over and yelling ten points in the back of her mind as always . She found herself exhausted after a long day of working with doctor Scott at the bureau of investigations. She had been working there since she graduated from high school at sixteen . I mean they had her copying papers and sweeping the floors even though she knew her mind was worth way more than that , but still twenty four bucks an hour for a teenager you can't beat it. She played with the silver rhinestones she had superglued to her steering wheel a few months back despite her parents disapproval . Something about the flashiness of them made her feel oddly safe . Her car and her room the two places she was free to decorate as she pleased , and she made sure to take full advantage of that fact . It was her one escape from the never ending cycle of boredom that she had been forced to endure from the time she was born . She felt different. She never really felt like she fit in anywhere. Living the life that she knew most children would kill for . A mother, a father , in a nice house in a great neighborhood with a pool and a dog , but it still felt like there had to be more. She pulled into her gravel driveway and stepped out of her car. Her heel's sinking slightly into the tiny white stones that covered the driveway making it a bit difficult to walk. She managed to make it to the door. As she put her key into the lock she stopped and took a quick glance at the garden . Tons of pink and purple flowers with the one black rose bush her mother reluctantly allowed her to place in the very back. Something about that was a great metaphor for her own life . Not only feeling like the black sheep of the family but the black sheep of the world . It was like everything thing was painted in a thick coat of grey and it was up to her to find some color in this hopeless society. Easier said than done because everyone was so conditioned to their boring and dull lifestyle. She finally unlocked the door and went inside. She saw her mother Janet leaning up against the counter reading a sales catalogue of some sort . Janet looked at her with a look of disapproval. "What the hell are you wearing" she said motioning towards Lilith's band shirt and jean shorts that were way to short in her opinion . But the thing that caught her eye the most where the black fishnets that cling to Lilith's thighs like a prostitute or like.. no , no not at all. Janet shook the thought of the Frankensteins place out of her mind and stood there with her hand on her hip.
"It's called fashion mother. Ever heard of it?" Lilith snapped back in a sarcastic tone. She has had many "discussions" about the way she dresses with her mother in the past. She always prided herself on coming up with the snappiest comebacks she could . She knew it wasn't something to be proud of but if she had to suffer through the constant reprimanding and belittling she wanted to make the conversation as god awful for her mother as it was for her.
"You can't go out like that!" Janet scolded firmly knowing it was no use. "What's the rest of the town gonna think?"
Lilith smirked and looked at her with a cocky grin. "Probably that I'm the most gorgeous woman alive. Which wouldn't be far from the truth now would it?"
Janet sighed and shook her head. "Or the cheapest. I mean you look like a hooker."
Lilith smirked and leaned against the sink propping her leg against the cabinets underneath. "Depends on how much they're paying."
Janet rolled her eyes. "Get your damn foot off the cabinet and go change. NOW!" She was losing her patience with this girl .
Lilith rolled her eyes and went off to her room having no intention of actually changing.
Janet sighed and angrily threw her catalog across the room. She looked at the floor so many thoughts filled her mind. Her and Brad have attempted to bring Lilith up like a normal girl. Catholic school, soccer, cheerleading in a desperate attempt to combat her heritage in anyway possible. Praying that they could just forget the whole thing move on and build a happy family like they always dreamed of. It all started off small but now it has become a much bigger problem. When Lilith was a child Janet couldn't keep her away from makeup. She was drawn to lipstick and eyeliner like a moth to a flame. Wasn't to unusual for a little girl unless you knew her background like Brad and Janet did. She was always smarter than the average girl . Finishing her homework in five minutes flat since she was in primary school. When the school system decided to bump her up two years in first grade they thought that was great . Just keep her away from science and everything should be fine . Keep her from becoming like that animal that kept them hostage all those years ago. But now that she's a teenager and is a bit more independent Janet is completely conflicted. Since Lilith has been working with doctor Scott she has changed. Having a stronger interest in science than Janet's seen in anyone. Which in any other circumstance would be a great thing. But Lilith has been talking about experimenting with things that were less humane than your usual scientist. All except one. She had kept the truth form Lilith for years . She had always assumed that Brad was her birth father. He had raised her as his own and she even called him dad. Janet hadn't seen the problem before now. What was she supposed to do . Lilith doesn't know why she is the way she is ,and Janet can't just keep calling her an edgy teenager when she knows there's so much more to the story than that. Hell she wasn't even fully human . Her father was the mad scientist himself and was murdered the night that Brad and Janet stayed at his castle. And she's finally starting to see that no amount of boarding school and discipline will ever change the fact that she is the seed of Frank n Furter. Janet poured herself a glass of wine and sat at the dining room table contemplating. Does she keep Lilith in the dark and never tell her who her real dad is. Or does she tell her the truth and possibly change their home , family, and entire lives forever. This was probably the most important and hardest decision Janet's ever made in her entire life. But something had to be done before Lilith snaps and goes into a state that could only be described as absolute insanity.

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