You are not the father 💋

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     Brad was lying in bed next to his wife Janet. Unlike her he wasn't really thinking about much. He didn't know about the whole Lilith situation. Janet knew he'd be pissed if he found out she told him so she decided to keep it to herself until she couldn't anymore.
   That was Janet's plan for almost everything. Just keep everything hush until you can't anymore. She wasn't a very confrontational person. She didn't like to stir the pot. But right now she knew the pot had been stirred . She was just waiting for it to boil over so she could try her best to fix the broken situation that was caused by her . Or that's what she thought.
    All of a sudden they heard the door open and  a crash coming from downstairs. They didn't know what it was at first. But their mind's automatically went to burglars.
    They jumped up and Brad grabbed his little tike's baseball bat he had kept in the corner of his that he's kept since Lilith was younger. He looked at his wife and said. "It's alright Janet. Everything is  gonna be alright."
    Janet scoffed and rolled her eyes. "That's what you always say." She muttered walking behind him as they made their way to the living room.
    Brad kept down the stairs, holding the small foam bat in front of him. When he finally made it down the stairs he was ready to fight this robber and defend his home and his family. But when he made it to the bottom of the steps he couldn't believe who it was.
   There was Lilith looking fairly intoxicated and picking up the broken pieces of glass from the vase she knocked over.
    Brad just shook his head still holding the bat. "God damnit Lilith you almost gave me a heart attack." He crosses his arms and stares her down.
Lilith takes one look at him and just bursts into a fit of laughter. "God you've really got your bat out and everything?" She says between drunken giggles.
Brad shakes his head and grumbles. "First of all I thought you were a robber. Second of all what are you doing coming in so late? And third of all I just bought your mother that vase!" He replied getting by agitated by the minute.
Lilith plops herself down on the couch and looks at him. "Oh please we all know that vase couldn't have been more than ten bucks." She scoffs and puts her feet up on the coffee table.
Brad shakes his head. "That is not the point Lilith! And really this is how you show up to my house? Drunk off your ass?"
Lilith rolled her eyes. "Oh what to you care? You're not my dad anyway."
As soon as she said this Janet's breath hitched. This was it Lilith just spilled the beans. Now Brad is going to know that she told her. The pot was actually about to boil over.
"What the hell are you talking about Lilith?"
Brad barked he already knew the truth. But how did Lilith know. Unless Janet told her which Brad had specifically asked her not to do.
Lilith crossed her arms and slurred. "Please. Don't act dumb Brad. We all know the truth. You are not my father. My father is the crossdressing alien dude from the weird castle in the woods. My mother told me all about it."
Brad looked over at Janet. "You told her about him? After I asked you not to?"
Janet looked at Brad and sighed. "Look I understand why you didn't want her to find out. But that doesn't change the fact that this is a huge part of who she is. And she deserves to know the truth."
Brad scoffed. "Well isn't this just great . I mean she already doesn't respect me. And now this just gives her more reason not to respect my authority as the man and head of this house hold!"
Lilith looked at Brad clearly angry at this point. "Wait you told her not to tell me? You were just going to let me live completely ignorant to the fact that I'm part alien? Just so I would continue to believe that you were my father? Do you have any idea how selfish that is?!" Her tone was pointed. Her voice was raised.
Brad finally yelled back at her. "Well maybe I wouldn't mind Lilith if you weren't the way you are! You are completely arrogant and disobedient! And definitely disrespectful! You're lucky I didn't tell Janet to send your ass to an orphanage when I had the chance!" Brad immediately regretted what he just said. But it was too late his anger had gotten the best of him.
Lilith just rolled her eyes again. "Oh is that so? Well if you never wanted me in the first place then why do you care so much that I know you're not my real dad in the first place?" She spoke in a calm yet condescending way.
Janet finally jumped in. "Please everyone just calm down!!" As soon as she said this both Brad and Lilith looked over at her. She spoke up again. "Look everyone's emotions are high right now. Brad you're clearly very angry and Lilith is intoxicated. So can we please just go to bed and settle all of this in the morning?"
Lilith sighed and rolled her eyes. Brad simply nodded and said. "Yeah I think that might be the best thing to do in this situation."
With that Janet and Brad went back to their room. After about an hour Lilith just passed out on the couch.
The next morning Lilith got up with a hangover from the devil himself. But nonetheless she still got up and proceeded to go to the lab for another day of being doctor Scott's assistant. She walked through those doors coffee in hand and went to work.
About an hour went by and doctor Scott wheeled himself over to her. "Hey Lilith can I show you something cool in the lab?" He asked in a cheerful tone.
Lilith looked at him and smiled. She felt safe around doctor Scott since he was the only adult she felt like she could trust at the moment. "Of course I love lab stuff!" She answered happily.
Doctor Scott motioned for her to follow him. Which she gladly did. Once they got into the lab Lilith couldn't help but notice all the chemicals on shelves. But that wasn't what doctor Scott had brought her in there for.
He motioned towards a large machine in the center of the room . It had a screen on it and tones of long wires with sticky electrodes at the end of each one. "It's a new brain wave device. We want to use it to read brain waves of extraterrestrial beings if we ever find any. Would you like to test it?" He asked yet again with a smile.
Lilith thought about it for a minute. Why would he want to try it on her. But it didn't take her long to realize. She's an extraterrestrial being. He's been running tests on her the entire time. How could he do that to her? Her immediate reaction was to confront him and cuss him out. But she eventually thought of another idea.
"Uh yeah sure. I'm always down for research." Lilith sat down In the chair and let the crippled man put the probes on her head. After he got the machine going he smiled at her.
"This should only take about fifteen minutes. I'm gonna go check and make sure everyone else is doing their job." He said as he wheeled out the door.
Once Lilith was sure the coast was clear she got up and started stuffing the chemicals into her pockets. Making sure to get the ones that she needed for her experiment. After the she sat back in the chair and acted as if nothing happened.
About fifteen minutes went by and doctor Scott came back. "Well looks like you're still doing well." He said as he stared to remove the probes from her head.
Lilith just smiled she was clearly nervous about what she just did but she didn't say anything. She was just waiting to get back to her purse so she could stash the chemicals more efficiently.
Once she was no longer attached to the machine she put them in her purse and zipped it up. Then she went back to work like nothing happened.
Once her shift was over she clocked out and ran to her car. Then she proceeded to drive as fast as she could to her friend Molly's house. She kicked her heels off and ran up the gravel driveway once she got there.
She didn't even bother to knock on the door. She just busted inside scaring the shit out of Molly in the process and said. " I have a plan and you have to help me."

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