He's Back 💋

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Lilith and Molly had just hit coffin! As they moved the remaining dirt out of the way they revealed it was bright red and it had one small crack on the side of it. Molly was completely frozen at this point. It was real.
    She tried to disassociate herself from the reality of the situation. She didn't think Lilith would actually take it this far. She hoped that at some point during this little project Lilith would figure out just how crazy it was to actually dig up a body. Let alone attempt to bring it back to life.
    She could feel her chest tightening. The air became thicker as she stared at the wooden casket that lay beneath the soil. She felt herself being to panic as she looked up at Lilith.
    "So it typically takes six men to carry a casket. But I think two teenage girls can manage it with enough passion." Lilith said jumping down in the hole and grabbing one side of the casket. "Care to lend a hand?"
    Molly looked at her friend. A bit scare defy her wishes. But she really didn't want to do this. "Lilith. I can't." She said. Her voice shaking from the cold and the panic attack she was in the middle of.
      "And why can't you? We've gotten this far, what's the problem now?" Lilith snapped back in a snarky tone. She had a certain level of venom in her voice that made Molly jump at her retaliation.
     Molly was still staring at the wooden box planted in the ground. Unsure if she should just help Lilith or if she should stick to her guns. "Have you ever considered it's not normal to dig up a body and bring it back to life?" 
    Lilith sighed and shook her head. "You know I really thought you were on my side. Turns out you're just as much a coward as everyone else."  She sat down beside the hole and lit a cigarette.
     "I am on your side Lilith. I always have been. With every crazy idea you have come up with over the years." Molly takes a deep breath and shakes her head. "But it never ends. The  experiments, the partying, the whole lifestyle you lead. Each idea is more insane than the last. And now you want to dig up a body." She's whisper screaming at this point.
Lilith stands up and looks at her rage filling her eyes. "I give you access to my plans, my notes hell I even move the equipment into your basement. And this is how you act? I should've known as soon as it came down to it you'd back out."
Molly stares up at her. She didn't know why but for the first time she was actually afraid of her friend. "Why are we doing this. Can you tell me that? Why are we digging up a body and bringing it back to life?"
Lilith sat down and sighed. "Because it's the only way I'll ever find out anything about my alien heritage. My other ancestors are on another planet god knows where. And im different from everyone. I just wanna know why." A single tear runs down Lilith's face. But she quickly wipes it away.
Molly hadn't seen Lilith cry before. Even when they were kids. Lilith had always been so cold . She never considered that she had actual emotions. After a moment of thinking Molly reluctantly hopped down in the hole and grabbed one end of the coffin.
As Lilith did the same Molly rolled her eyes and shook her head. "For the record I still think this is a horrible idea."
Over the span of a few weeks Lilith spent her time crafting the perfect chemical compound to reverse the decomposition process. She kept Frank the freezer with the solution flowing into him through an iv drip.
As the days go by he quickly returned to his normal state. His corset was dirty and tattered his heels were broke and busted but his body was in great shape.
"Everything's going according to plan." Lilith smirked at Molly. "Tonight is the night our whole plan is getting put into action. Aren't you excited?"
Molly was still trying to wrap her head around everything. She had a body in her basement along with witch craft books and advanced scientific equipment. Her gut was still telling her it was a bad idea. "Why did you say he was killed again? I mean there has to be a reason. Wasn't he a mad scientist? How do you know he's not going to hurt us when he comes back?" Molly asked in an almost frantic tone.
Lilith had pondered on this herself. She really wasn't sure if this was a good idea or not but she wasn't going to let her fears stop her now. "He won't. I'm sure of it." She reassured her friend in a very confident way. Even though she wasn't confident at all she sure as hell wasn't going to let Molly's worries get in her way.
Lilith's excitement grew as she took his body out of the freezer and set him on the lab table. Everything had been set up perfectly for this night. She just had to wait till 3:am to preform the spell that would draw his soul back to the world of the living.
As she waited for the hour she made sure the equipment was up and running. "Alright everything is in place it is time to begin." Lilith began hooking the electrodes to his chest and head taking her time to make sure the placement was correct.
After a few minutes Molly spoke up again. "So this is it then. We're bringing him back." She looked down still having an anxious pit in her stomach that only grew as time went on.
"Yes we are isn't it exciting. All that hard work the research it's all paying off." Lilith replied with a smile that was a mixture of insanity and excitement.
She quickly grabbed her note book and flipped through the pages until she finally found the one that had the spell written on it.
"Turn on the switches on the sonic oscillator." She said in a demanding tone.
Molly quickly walked over and did as Lilith said. As she turned on the switches she could see the electricity flowing from the machine into Franks body.
Lilith chanted the spell quickly over and over. The lights began to flicker. The tables started shaking. They could both feel the electricity and dark energy surge through the room.
Mollys chest began to tighten again. She felt a rush of fear and adrenaline run through her body. It felt like she was hit by a bus. She looked over at Lilith who was still chanting the words with a wicked grin on her face. And all of a sudden everything went black.
When the lights came back on Molly could see that Lilith's grin was replaced with an unsettling look of disappointment. "Dammit!" Lilith slammed her hands on the lab table with enough force to make Molly jump. "All that work and for nothing!"
Lilith walked across the room angrily and began studying the machine. She looked back at Molly. "You did something to it didn't you? You didn't want to do this so you sabotaged the machine somehow."
Molly was completely flabbergasted. There is no way her friend is actually blaming her for this. "What? No. No I didn't sabotage the machine."
Lilith crossed her arms and looked her friend up and down. "Well you must have done something wrong! I've been preparing for this for months! I made sure everything was perfect!"
Molly rolled her eyes starting to get a bit irritated now. "Lilith you must have lost your damn mind. I know you're not gonna sit here and blame me for this."
Lilith just stares at her. "Well you're the one who was in charge of the machine! We've been going over this for months! All you had to do was turn on a damn switch! So what did you do?"
Molly shakes her head screaming at her at this point. "I didn't do anything! Did you ever stop to think you could've preformed the spell wrong?"
Before Lilith can respond she's cut off by a low grunting noise. "Do you hear that?" She asked walking over to the table. She quickly and carefully poked Franks body. That's when he opened his eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21 ⏰

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