Grave robbers 💋

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It's been a few weeks since Molly and Lilith explored the castle grounds. Finding Franks burial site took a massive weight off of Lilith's shoulders. She now knows where he is. She feels as if nothing can stop her from moving forward with this plan. She had a place , she had a body, and because of what they found on the castle grounds she now has just the piece of machinery she needs to make this experiment possible.
     Her and Molly were working together to build a makeshift laboratory in Molly's basement. Lilith plugged in the machine and it started loading up.
   Molly looked at the device. There were so many buttons, knobs, and switches. She still didn't quite understand what this thing was or what it was there for. "So what's this thing supposed to do anyway?" She asked. Hopefully that Lilith would finally explain why this device was in her home.
     Lilith looked over at her and flashed a sinister smile. "It's the same sonic oscillator my father used to bring Rocky to life." She said as she finished setting it up.
   Molly's eyes got big. "So that's like an actual piece of advanced alien technology?" She asked
    Lilith looks at her like she's stupid and nods. "Yeah why do you think we have it here?" She takes a step back to admire the device.
     Molly gets that worried look on her face. "Do you really think it's a good idea to be playing with that thing. I mean do you even know how to use it?"
    Lilith rolls her eyes. "I mean there's only so many switches and buttons on here. I'm sure I can figure it out."  She says this in her all knowing tone of voice. Her god complex really started to show. With that Lilith grabs her little black backpack and heads for the door.
     Molly slumped down on the metal lab table she helped Lilith set up. "God I really hope she knows what she's doing." She thinks to herself while staring at the machine. She was willing to help Lilith with anything. But the further they get with this project. The more Molly thinks it's a bad idea.
    She can't help but wonder what exactly was in those files Lilith found about her father. And how much information she was truly hiding from her. She honestly didn't think this plan was going to work. But being friends with Lilith for all these years she learned just to go along with her delusions. Still though if it did work there had to be a reason why her parents kept Frank a secret for all these years. And having this device in her basement started making this all seem to real.
     When Lilith got back to her house she didn't go through the front door. Instead she pulled her car around to the back of the house right next to the back door. Which lead to the basement. She really didn't want to run into her parents when she got there and since the deep freezer was in the basement she figured she could dolly it out to her car without them suspecting a thing . 
    She walked through the basement doors quietly as possible. But that was easier said than done because of the squeaky hinges Brad was supposed to fix forever ago. Once she was inside she started rummaging around through the enormous piles of junk that had accumulated over the years desperately looking for the dolly.
     All of a sudden out of nowhere an old guitar case with an acoustic guitar inside fell on her head. It hurt pretty bad but also managed to make a loud noise as it hit her.
      "Fuck!" Lilith yelled out clutching her head where it hit her. Then just like clock work here comes Brad down the steps to see what the noise was.
      "Lilith is that you?" He asked as he walked down.
     Lilith honestly didn't know what to do at this point so she just said in an annoyed tone. "Yeah. It's me."
      Brad looked at all the stuff she had dragged out. It was clear she was looking for something. "Uh what are you looking for." He questions her. Never being to sure if what she was doing was innocent or not.
     Lilith knew she needed to come up with a lie and quick. She tended to be good at that though. "Uhm. Well Molly needed to use the deep freezer for a while. Her cousin went hunting last weekend. He shot a huge buck and wanted to split the meat with her. She doesn't really have anywhere to store it though. I figured since we don't necessarily use it for anything it wouldn't be a big deal."
     Brad nods seeming to believe her lie. "Well of course she can use it. Why didn't you just ask? I can take it to her house with my truck. It would be a lot easier than getting it into your mini van."
     Lilith sighed. Not only did he fall for it but he was actually willing to help her. This scenario couldn't have been better. "Well you know me . I try to do everything myself." She was trying to put her cute little girl act on.
    He laughed and helped her get the deep freezer into the truck bed. He looked at Lilith before she got into her car to follow him to Molly's house.
    "Hey uhm look. Can we talk?" He asked wanting to apologize for the things he said to her that night she found out about Frank.
    Lilith looked over at him. She was sitting on the edge of the divers seat with the door open. "I uh don't really think there's anything to talk about."
      Brad just nodded and got into his own truck. He did really want to apologize. But if she didn't want to talk about he wasn't one to beg for a chance to explain, or beg for forgiveness.
      They both drove off to Molly's house Lilith following Brad the whole way there. Once they got there they unpacked the deep freezer out of the truck and took it inside. Struggling to carry the heavy thing.
Once they got it in the living room Lilith looked at Brad and said, "alright. I'll help her move it where she wants it. Thanks for the help."
Brad looked at Lilith a bit suspicious on why she's trying to get rid of him so quickly, but he just nods. "It's no problem, I'm here for you whenever you need me."
He was expecting an "i love you" or something on those lines. But Lilith doesn't say a word. After a few minutes he just sighs and walks out to his truck.
Lilith and Molly proceed to carry the freezer to the basement. They plug it in on the opposite side of the room from the sonic oscillator.
"Perfect! The lab is complete." Lilith exclaimed. She was extremely proud of herself for pulling this off. "Now it's time to head to the castle grounds to retrieve his body."
She said that in a very matter of fact way that gave Molly the chills. "Right." Molly replied. She wasn't going to argue with Lilith. She was honestly kind of scared of what would happen if she did.
At around two in the morning they finally made it back to the castle grounds. They had shovels in the trunk and the seats down to fit his coffin inside. They made their way through the knee high grass until they found the head stone.
Molly looks over at Lilith. "Are you sure you wanna do this girl?" The thought of getting caught and going to jail playing over and over in her head. She wasn't sure what the sentence was for grave robbery. But she knew it wasn't necessarily short.
Before Molly could even finish her sentence Lilith had already slammed her shovel into the dirt. Molly sighed and did the same. They continued digging for a good while.
"God digging up a body is harder than I thought." Lilith complained in a very whiny tone.
Molly looked at her. "Yeah well we could always quit and move on with our lives." She said shoveling another pile of dirt to the side.
Lilith shot her a glare. "We can't quit! We've already gotten this far." She snapped back at her.
Molly sighed and continued digging. After about forty five minutes they hit something.

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