Whats with the note book? 💋

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It was early one morning and Lilith had just left the house for work. She drove down the same dirt road looking at the same scenery that she stared at every morning. Lilith was daydreaming about the scientific ideas that had been plaguing her mind  for the past few months. She knew her parents didn't want her to go into the field of science. But she had never really understood why since it had always interested her so much. But they were always strongly against it.
      Since she started working at the lab with doctor Scott she was able to learn more about the field which only seemed to increase her overwhelming need to be a scientist. Biochemistry was always her main interest when it came to science. She thought of all the cool things she could do with enough research and experimentation.
     But there was one that one thing, that one experiment that she had always been interested in. About 3 years ago Lilith's cat Oscar had tragically passed away. She still remembers that morning well. Walking to school that morning just to find her furry friends remains spattered on the sidewalk like bad graffiti art.  That image would typically scar a young child's mind. But for Lilith it fascinated her. The concept of life and death in general. Something drew her to it.
      She pulled into the driveway and looked at the underground building the lab was located in. It was a very secret place so the building itself was quite secluded. In the middle of nowhere, out in a field. It was a large office building. Red brick to be exact. She walked inside preparing for another day of mopping and sweeping and copying papers. She went over and clocked in . That's when she was approached by doctor Scott .
   The crippled scientist wheeled his way over to her . "Lilith!" He exclaimed with a smile. "We're having a blood drive. You should donate. It saves lives you know."
    Lilith looked around she didn't see a blood drive anywhere. So she was confused. She also wondered why out of all people Doctor Scott would ask her to donate. He knew she had a severe phobia of needles since she was just a baby.
   "Uhm. You're having a blood drive?" She paused seeming confused. "But no one else is donating."
   Doctor Scott just smiled because he couldn't let her catch on to his plan. "Well not yet . Figured you could be the first one."
    Lilith cocked her head to the side and didn't really know what to say. She knew she didn't want to get poked today . But doctor Scott was so persistent that she donate. "Uh I don't"
     Just like that the wheelchair bound scientist grabbed her and guided her to the back room . There was a phlebotomist there waiting for her. This all seemed very sketchy to Lilith . But she didn't want to make her boss mad . So she just sat in the chair . He said it would save lives after all.
   Lilith bit her lip and looked away as the needle went into her arm. After she looked over and watched her blood slowly drip into the bag . It was going at a rather slow pace, but hell at least she was getting paid by the hour for it . She looked over at doctor Scott who was watching making sure that she actually did donate her blood.
    "Hey doctor Scott can I ask you something?"
Lilith spoke up after a few minutes. Scott's eyes looked up at her . He was a bit nervous that she was catching on to that fact that this wasn't a blood drive .
   "Yes?" He answered with a smile yet his voice seemed a bit nervous.
    Lilith smiled back. "You know I've been thinking a lot about scientific discovery. You know you and your team inspire me a lot. So I was wondering if I could ask you about an experiment that I've been thinking about?"
     Doctor Scott smiled and shrugged luckily it wasn't the question he was thinking it was. "Of course Lilith. You know I love your little mind so full of questions and plans . Go ahead."
    Lilith smiled she started feeling a bit dizzy from the blood loss. "Well I just wanted to know do you think science could raise the dead?"
    Doctor Scott looked stunned . He really didn't know what to say to that. What the hell is wrong with this kid? Is she truly insane? "Uhm what?" he gulps and looks at her with wide eyes.
    Lilith blinked a few times. She really saw nothing wrong with what she asked it was just a simple question. "Well you know how my cat Oscar passed a few years back. It got me thinking. Do you think with enough experimentation and persistence it could be possible to bring him back?"
   Scott tilted his head and said. "Look I know you miss your cat. But I don't think that we should mess with that stuff. We don't want to get ourselves into a pet cemetery situation do we?" He laughed nervously at how absurd her proposal was. But he was also concerned about the potential risks involved if she were to ever try something like that.
    Lilith chuckled in the same twisted way her father once did all those years ago. "I don't think that would happen. I mean that's just a movie . Plus I've been doing some research. If we were to use the right chemical compound it could be possible to reverse the decomposition process."
    Doctor Scott just stared at her. "And how do you expect to bring the cat back? I mean sure you could shock it and get its heart beating again. But it would basically be a vegetable. Its spirit has already passed on to the other side."
    Lilith sighed and shrugged. "That's the part I'm having a problem with. I don't necessarily know where we go when we die but drawing a soul back to its body is no easy task. But I've been studying necromancy. Talking to spirits. Drawing them to this realm. Do you think that could be possibly useful?"
    Doctor Scott was almost speechless at this point. " you mean you wanna mix science with witchcraft?!" He had never heard such a crazy suggestion in his entire life.
    Lilith nodded. "Basically. I mean science and spirituality is two of the most powerful forces in the universe. Mixing them together could lead to some amazing discoveries."
   Scott shook his head "I think you should just grieve the loss of your cat and move on. I don't think that's possible and even if it is it could be extremely dangerous. You're still new to the world of science. I don't think you should be trying anything new."
    Lilith yelped as the phlebotomist took the needle out of her arm. One of the other scientists in the lab took Lilith to another room to give her a cookie and some juice. She still felt a bit dizzy from the blood draw but she felt better when she got a snack in her system.
    Doctor Scott looked at the phlebotomist "did you get enough for our research?" He asked knowing he wanted at least 2 pints so he had enough for multiple studies. It wasn't the safest for Lilith . But he figured she's young so she should be fine.
    "Yes I did." The phlebotomist answered as she started putting away her supplies.
    Doctor Scott smiled and said. "Good. That was easy enough." As he wheeled himself back to his office.
    After the "donation" Lilith really wasn't feeling very well. She felt Dizzy and slightly nauseated. She inevitably decided to go home early that day. But she never could've expected what happened when she got there.
   While Lilith was at work Janet got a bit curious and decided to go through her room. She found cigarettes and alcohol but she honestly wasn't even surprised by that. Then she found the black notebook she saw her daughter scribbling in for the past few months.
    She really just wanted to know what Lilith was thinking about. She expected it to be a diary or something along those lines. But it wasn't. She really didn't think she could be shocked by anything that kid does at this point. But the contents of that book were truly unbelievable.
   The book full of information and research about scientific resurrection. Lilith had even drawn diagrams of her plans. Janet dropped the book when she saw this. She couldn't believe her only child could even think of something this immoral. Sure she had talked about scientific experiments that weren't exactly humane. But Janet never thought it would be this bad.
    Janet knew this was it. She really needed to tell Lilith about her heritage before she goes off the deep end.
    Just then Lilith walked in . She was still a bit pale and dizzy but that didn't stop her from becoming livid when she saw her mother snooping through her things. "What are you doing in my room!" Lilith barked out causing Janet to jump a bit.
   Janet looked at her with wide eyes. "Lilith!" She stuttered. "What's this?" Janet motioned towards the book.
   Lilith snatched the book out of Janet's hand and slammed it on the table. "It's none of your concern. Now what were you doing in my room?"
   Janet looked at her she could see that angry expression on her face that reminded Janet so much of Frank. "I was worried about you. I wanted to know what you were doing in here. I guess I found out."
     "You were worried about me?" Lilith snapped back. "That gives you the right to snoop through my things? To read my personal belongings?"
   Janet got a bit heated at this. "You are not eighteen yet little girl. As long as you are in my house I can read whatever I want. Now what the hell is that?"
    Lilith rolled her eyes. "It's just research mother. It's really not a big deal."
    "Research?!" Janet snapped back, "You're trying to rise the dead!"
    Lilith sighed. "I'm just studying mother. I don't know what the big deal is." She sat on her bed.
Janet had hoped this day would never come but here it is. She couldn't wait anymore. She had to tell Lilith about Frank. Lilith needed to be warned about how dangerous this path could become for her. If Janet didn't tell her she knew horrible things could happen. That's when Janet finally took a deep breath and said.
"Lilith there's something you need to know."

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