The Truth will set you Free 💋

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Janet sat down on the bed. The moment that she had been dreading since Lilith was born had finally come. She figured she would be prepared for it by now. But when she opened her mouth she froze up. How the hell do you tell a sixteen year old girl her father was a homicidal alien.
   She really didn't know what was worse the  fact that it was true, or that she'd been lying to Lilith all these years. Either way it was a very hard pill to swallow.
    "Well spit it out mother." Lilith hissed she was obviously still very angry about Janet going in her room.
   Janet took a deep breath and started the conversation. "Well it about Brad."
    Lilith rolled her eyes and sat back on the bed with an immediate look of disapproval. "Why would I want to talk about that asshole."
    Janet just shook her head. "How many times to I have to tell you to stop calling him an asshole?" She looked at and frowned. "Damn having a heart to heart with this kid is nearly impossible." She thought to herself.
   "I only speak the truth" Lilith crossed her arms over her chest. She really wasn't having any of this. She still couldn't believe her mother went through her room.
Janet just shook her head. "Look there's something you need to know. I've been avoiding telling you because I didn't want you to ever find out. I figured it would be best if you didn't, but now you're showing some certain behaviors and I feel like the best way to keep you safe is to just tell you." Janet knew there was no going back now. She just wishes she had some way to know she was making the right decision.
Lilith sat there with the unimpressed look that she always has on her face. "Then just tell me stop beating around the bush. You know I hate when you do that." She stared her mother down with that expression that seemed to be haunted by her father.
"Well about 17 years ago when me and Brad first got engaged we decided to go and visit Doctor Scott. We were driving through the woods and we ended up getting a flat tire. There was a castle a few miles back so we wanted to see if they had a phone." Janet starts telling the story but gets cut off by Lilith.
"And what exactly does this have to do with me?" She crosses her legs and rolls her eyes again.
Janet sighs. "Just please give me a minute I'm getting to that" she continues. "Anyway the castle was full of an alien species that called themselves the transexual Transylvanians."
     Lilith looked at Janet like she had 3 heads at that moment. "Is this some kind of sick joke?" She asked clearly not amused.
    And repositioned herself on the bed. "I really wish it was sweetie. Anyway their leader was a mad scientist named Doctor Frank n Furter. Let's just say quite a few things happened that night and one of those things lead to you being born."
    Lilith's eyes widened. Her mouth dropped open a bit. "What exactly are you implying?"
    Janet knew she just had to bite the bullet and say it. "Sweetie Brad is not your father . Frank is."
   Lilith was completely stunned. She stood up and started pacing around in circles. "I can't believe this. I can't! You're telling me that my father is part of an alien species from another planet?! And they call themselves the transexual Transylvanians!!!!"
     Janet grabs her arm trying to calm her down a bit. "Look sweetie I know this is a lot to take in, but it doesn't really change anything does it? Brad and I love you and you know that."
    Lilith jerks her arm away and barks out her voice dripping with venom. "I'm sorry mother but you do understand this changes everything. Right? I'm not even fully human you are aware of that correct?" She is so mad at this moment how could they do this to her. How could they keep such important information about her own life away from her for so long.
     "Yes I know that . But it still doesn't change anything! You've never been fully human. You've always been this way. So what does it really change?" Janet was trying to calm Lilith down . She was really doing her best in this situation despite how upset her daughter was.
      Lilith sat down on the bed she looked absolutely defeated and devastated. "Do you not understand that I don't know who I am? I don't know the first thing about my heritage or my family. I mean, I know you and Brad. But that's not really the most important part. I'm fifty percent a species that's unknown to this world. Do you have any idea how that feels?"
    Janet feels her heart shatter when she sees her daughter in a state like this. She knew Lilith as a tough girl. She expected her to be mad but she never expected her to be in complete despair like this. "No I guess I don't know how that feels. But I just want you to know Brad and I are here for you no matter what. I know you're probably feeling things I couldn't even imagine right now."
      Lilith cuts her off. "Oh yeah? I'm having a total identity crisis. And where is this frank guy anyway?"
    Janet sighs she was really hoping she wouldn't ask this question. "He passed away before you were born. He actually passed away the night you were conceived."
   Lilith's eyes go wide again. "But how?" She really didn't want to accept this new piece of information.
   "A laser" Janet said quickly. "He was murdered by his handyman. I saw the whole thing." She shivered remembering the details of what happened that night.
   Lilith went from sad to angry really fast. "You saw the whole thing yet you just stood there and did nothing?!" She asked with the same angry look in her eyes that Frank had.
    Janet felt a tinge of guilt when her daughter said that. But she quickly shook it off. "You have no idea what he did, or what he was capable of doing. Society had to be protected somehow."
    Lilith gave a sarcastic laugh. "Oh so you just watch a man be murdered without a fair trial and do nothing huh? Glad I know where your morals really are mother."
    Janet got a bit heated at that statement. "Listen to me little girl. You have no idea." She gets cut off again by Lilith standing up and stomping out of the room abruptly.
    "Just save it mother. I really don't want to hear it right now." She growled. She was trying really hard not to cry. But Lilith learned a long time ago that she could easily replace sadness with anger.
   "Where exactly are you going." Janet asked she didn't get an answer though. Because Lilith was already out the door and in her car. Janet just sat on the bed and said out loud. "Please god don't let her do anything crazy."
     A few hours later Lilith was three sheets to the wind at her friend Molly's house. The two had been drinking and smoking for quite some time now. Lilith knew if there was anything that would make her feel better it was her best friend, malt liquor, and a fatty.
    Though even her usual sedatives weren't enough to dull the internal emptiness she felt inside of her in this moment. She started into the tile floor in Molly's kitchen which seemed to morph into a white void of some sort after a while.
    Molly finally spoke up. "So your dad is a dead alien and that's why you're so crazy?"
    Lilith scoffed at this. "Excuse me? I don't remember asking you for your input on my sanity level!"
   Molly just went quiet after that. She wasn't used to Lilith being in a mood like this.
   Lilith sighed. "Look I'm sorry but, my nerves are just shot!" She slurred a bit. "I mean how do you just stand there and let a man get killed and also how can you keep something like this away from your kid for 16 years!"
    Molly spoke up. "Well it's a really shitty situation but what is there that can really be done?"
     Lilith started thinking a bit. Maybe this is why she was so obsessed with the thought of resurrection. Maybe this is what she was meant to do. All of the pieces seemed to fit into her mind like a puzzle. It might have been partially due to the intoxicated state she was in at that moment. But her back was against the wall and she wasn't one to fold. She was going to play the cards she was dealt no matter what the consequences may be.
    Lilith smirked and looked over at Molly.  "Oh I think I know something I can do."

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