Enter at your own risk💋

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Molly stared at Lilith for a good minute. Was she really suggesting this? It was probably the craziest idea Molly had ever heard in her entire life. Although it really wasn't that surprising knowing Lilith.
"So are you in or not?" Lilith asked. She really saw nothing wrong with the idea at all. Of course most would probably think it's insane, but Lilith wasn't one to be bound by the laws of sanity. She figured that would make for a very boring life.
Molly finally spoke up after the startle of Lilith simply busting into her house. And then proceeding to go off on this crazy tangent about an experiment that would only be considered criminally insane not to mention Dangerous. "So let me get this straight. You want to dig up your dead father, who is a homicidal crossdressing alien? And bring him back to life with witch craft and science?" Molly still stared at her in shock.
Lilith smiles and nods proudly. "That's right." It was obvious she was extremely proud about this idea.
"And you want to do all of this in my basement?" Molly asked still a bit uneasy about everything.
Lilith gave her best puppy eyes and said. "Well I can't do it at my parent's house. They wouldn't even let us start a band remember?" In an almost whiny tone.
Molly lit a joint and sighed. "You know what Lilith? Fuck it. You really think this will work?" Molly questioned the likelihood of this plan actually working.
Lilith shrugged. "I've done all the research. Everything's pointing to it working."
Molly nodded. She really didn't know much about the scientific bullshit Lilith was always going on about. But being her best friend for the past four years she was willing to trust Lilith. "So what exactly is the plan?"
Lilith thought for a moment. She never thought Molly would be willing to work with her this easily."well my parents mentioned a castle in the woods. I think we need to go there and see if it's still there. Maybe we can locate his body."
Molly tilted her head. "Wait but . Wouldn't his body be in a cemetery? Why would it be in the castle after all these years?"
Lilith shrugged again she was just as clueless as Molly about the whole situation. "He was an alien scientist. Maybe he had his body frozen or something. I honestly have no idea. But I still think the castle is a good place to start."
Molly was a bit hesitant on the idea of going to a creepy castle in the middle of the woods. It seemed like a good way to die in a horror movie. But she loved Lilith enough to trust her so she inevitably agreed. "Fine do you at least know where this castle is?."
Lilith nodded. "Yeah it's near that dirt road right beside where you turn off to go to Doctor Scott's house."
Molly raised her eyebrow in a questioning way. "Wait how do you know that?" She asked. She couldn't understand how Lilith would have gotten that price of information. Since she had just learned about her father a couple days ago.
Lilith smiled happy to bring up her detective skills. "Well there were obviously files. I mean a report about aliens isn't something that would just be swept under the rug."
Molly was a bit curious where Lilith could've gotten ahold of those files so quickly. I mean it wasn't something that would just be open to the public. But she did work for the bureau of investigations. So she decided not to question it.
A few days later Lilith and Molly were in Lilith's car driving down the same dirt road Brad and Janet had taken all those years ago. It was late at night probably about three or four in the morning.
Molly looked over at Lilith. She had a cold chill run up her spine from the time she got in the car, and a pit in her stomach that filled her mind with an infinite amount of dread that only seemed to increase as the car moved forward. "Are you sure this is a good idea? It's dark, and cold ,and I have no idea where you're taking us."
Lilith had a look of determination in her eyes enough to put an eighty year old marathon runner. She gave Molly a quick glance in the rear view mirror. "This will only take a minute. We're re just going to check it out for now."
Molly just stared out the window into the woods. She could hear the crickets chirping and the sky was completely dark. It took a while before the car eventually stopped.
Lilith looked at Molly. "I think we should go the rest of the way on foot."
Molly froze and just stared at Lilith for a moment. She didn't want to walk through the woods this late at night. She was already freaked out by the situation in general. "What?! Why?" She asked in a shaky tone though she was trying to hide it.
Lilith rolled her eyes and sighed. "Because! I have a rather large car, and I don't think I'm gonna be able to get it out of there when we get done. It's a fairly over grown area, and it's a short walk so let's just go."
Molly groaned and stepped out of the car. They stared walking through the overgrown brush and weeds that had taken over the dirt road. They were completely silent the whole walk. The only thing that could be heard was the sound of the leaves and twigs cracking underneath their feet with each step they took.
Once they reached their location they realized something. There was no castle there.
Just a large plot of land and a rusted gate. There was a sign on the gate that said. "Enter at your own risk."
"What the hell!" Lilith said realizing the castle was gone. She stepped through the gate but soon she felt a tug on her arm.
"Wait! You can actually go in there!" Molly exclaimed with a shaky voice.
"Molly I did not come all this way not to find anything at all." Lilith said pushing her friend out of the way. She started exploring the property. It was fairly large, definitely big enough for a castle.
She also noticed that there was a large patch of dirt. Presumably where the castle was all those years ago. Everywhere else was over grown and unkept. The grass was almost up to her knees in some areas.
All of a sudden Lilith fell flat on her face. Molly immediately ran over to her to make sure she was alright.
"Oh my god. Lilith are you okay?" Molly asked concerned, although it was obvious she was stifling a laugh.
Lilith got up and brushed herself off. "Yeah I'm fine I just tripped on something." She turned and started inspecting what it was she tripped on.
She pushed the grass and leaves out of the way to notice it was a headstone. It was engraved with a little heart on it reading "Dr. Frank n Furter. 1947- 1975."
Lilith couldn't believe it. She took a step back and just stared at it for a long time. "That's my dad's grave." She said after a few moments. They stood there for a good while before they finally kept walking.
"Well we found what we came here for can we go now?" Molly asked still freaked out about being in the middle of nowhere this late at night.
Lilith nodded. "Yes we can. I guess we'll come back some other time to dig him up."
Molly paused for a moment. "Wait you're serious about that?! You actually want to dig up a dead body?"
Lilith was about to say yes before something caught her eye. In the distance there was a large object. She started walking towards it.
Molly chased after her. "Wait where are you going?" Once she finally caught up she felt it was starting to rain. "Come on Lilith it's gonna start storming!"
Lilith didn't pay any attention to her and kept studying the object. It was large probably the size of an old air conditioning unit and There was a blue tarp wrapped around it. She slowly pulled the tarp away and quickly covered it back up.
"We need this." Lilith said motioning for Molly to help her try and lift it.
"Can't it wait?" Molly asked just wanting to get out of the rain at this point.
Lilith shook her head. "No it can't" she said lifting it up and trying to get Molly to help her.
Molly inevitably agreed and lifted one side of the mysterious object helping Lilith pack it to the car. It smelt like dirt and rust and was extremely heavy.
Once they finally got it to the car Lilith laid the seats down in the back. The lifted it up and placed it in the hatchback. Having to maneuver it a bit just to get it in there.
After the fight against gravity to get the damn thing in the car Molly finally spoke up. "Lilith. Please explain to me what the hell this thing is?!"
Lilith looked at Molly with an amazed smile on her face. "This is the most powerful piece of scientific machinery this world has ever seen!"

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