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୨⎯ Chapter 24⎯୧
"A Pirate's Glee"

୨⎯ Chapter 24⎯୧"A Pirate's Glee"

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ONCE WE HAD escaped, Aragorn amidst the ruins, a heavy silence enveloped us, broken only by the distant sounds of destruction. I couldn't bear to see him like this, crushed by the weight of despair. Placing a hand on his shoulder, I offered what little comfort I could muster. "We've faced adversity before, Aragorn," I whispered, my voice tinged with determination. "And we'll face it again. Together."

Aine, her expression a mix of concern and resolve, nodded in agreement. "The darkness may seem overwhelming," she admitted, her voice unwavering, "but we have each other. And together, we can overcome any obstacle."

Gimli, then offered his trademark gruff encouragement. "Don't let these cursed lands dim your spirit, lad," he grumbled, clapping Aragorn on the back. "We've faced worse and emerged victorious!"

Amidst our conversation, the spectral figure of the King of the Dead materialized before us, his presence chilling to the bone. "We fight!" he proclaimed, his voice echoing with an otherworldly resonance.

With a surge of determination, Aragorn rose to his feet, his gaze meeting ours with unwavering resolve. "We fight," he echoed, his voice filled with steely determination. "For Gondor. For Middle-earth."


Later, as the corsairs of Umbar sailed ominously upriver, I stood alongside Aragorn, Gimli, Legolas, Khellan, and Aine, a sense of determination coursing through our group. Aragorn's authoritative voice rang out, declaring, "You may go no further. You will not enter Gondor."

The leader of the corsairs dared to challenge us, his tone dripping with arrogance. "Who are you to deny us passage?" he scoffed.

Aragorn's gaze remained unwavering as he commanded Legolas to fire a warning shot past the bosun's ear. But Gimli's overzealousness caused the arrow to strike a pirate squarely in the chest, much to our collective surprise.

"Oh!" Gimli exclaimed, realizing his blunder, and I couldn't help but stifle a chuckle at his clumsiness. "Nice aim Gimli, better than any dwarf I've ever seen," He simply rolled his eyes at me.

Undeterred, Gimli issued a warning to the remaining corsairs, his voice firm and resolute. "That's it. We warned you. Prepare to be boarded."

The sailors initially dismissed the threat, but their bravado quickly turned to fear as the King of the Dead and his ghostly army appeared, charging towards the ships with spectral ferocity. I couldn't help but laugh at the look on their faces, filled with complete shock and terror.

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