Chapter 5: The Rescue

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**Hello guys! Guess what? Chapter 5 is here. My book has already reached 100+ reads wot!? Thank you everyone! Hope y'all like this chapter**

*We saw that in the last chapter Calem rushed out of Clemont's gym in order to apologize and bring Ash back*

*Meanwhile with Ash*

Ash- Charizard, get down there.

Charizard- [Affirmative]

Ash- (after landing) Good job buddy, you should rest now. (Charizard returns)

*Ash then sits on a bench in a small park*

Ash- (sad tone) Damn, I messed up big time. If I had just understood her hints back then, this shit would've never happened (with teary eyes). Now, Serena got a guy, who's way better than some piece of shit like me...

Ash- It's all my fault (tears up)... I was too much dense back then. It's... It's all my fault. I was not able to understand her feelings for me. And now, she got a boyfriend...

*Tears rolled down Ash's cheeks*

Ash- I'll never be able to love any other girl as much as her! Now, I've lost that one person, who I loved even more than myself... (Sniff) I-I love you Serena... (Wailing) I really love you!

*Now with Serena who is standing still near a beach*

Serena- (broken tone) Why? Why did you do it Calem? I-I waited for 5 years just to witness this day? (Tears up) Why didn't I just die before this shit happened? Now, because of Calem, I lost my childhood love.... forever! He'll hate me now for sure! I... I broke his innocent, pure heart!
(Wailing) I'm sorry Ash! Come back to me please!! I love you!

 I broke his innocent, pure heart! (Wailing) I'm sorry Ash! Come back to me please!! I love you!

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*While she was crying, she suddenly noticed her blue ribbon on her dress*

Serena- (stops crying) No! I can't just give up! I must remember what he said back then...

*Ash- Never give up until it's over!*

Serena- (determined) I must fix everything

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Serena- (determined) I must fix everything. It's 'bout time I fight for him. If I can't be a fighter, then I can never be a lover! I'll go explain him everything! I know he will understand me. Wait for me Ash! I'm coming for you!

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