Chapter 14: A Double Date

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**Hello everyone welcome back to another chapter of 'The Lone Wolf'. Let's not waste any time and start this chapter.**

*Previously we saw that our heroes have teamed up with Zygarde like old times, after which Ash got challenged by a powerful trainer named Silver, in which Ash emerged victorious.*

Presently, after finishing lunch at Clemont's Gym,

Ash- That was really good!

Pikachu- Pika.... (I don't think I can even move...)

Serena- Thanks for the food Clembot!

Clembot- (robotic voice) It's a pleasure.

Serena- So when are you taking me on a date Ashy?

Ash- How 'bout today evening?

Serena- Really!? I'm so excited!

Miette- Sounds good to me!

Gary- Yup!

Bonnie- You guys can leave your Pokémon here with me. I'll take care and play with 'em.

Ash Serena, Miette, and Gary nod.

Bonnie- Yayy!

Clemont- You better get some rest not guys. There are plenty of rooms for all of you.

Serena- Well... I don't think we need much rooms.

Clemont- (confused) Huh?

Bonnie- (facepalms) You're so dumb Big brother! Of course couples will sleep together.

Clemont- Oh... yea yea, I know.

The 2 couples went to their rooms.

Serena's POV:

We both went to our room. Pikachu got off Ash's shoulder, curled up on the sofa and drifted off for a little nap.

We both lied down on the bed as I said,
"What plans do you have for our date Ashy?"

"Well... I do have a few plans", he said.

" Tell me then", I said.

"Why? Don't you want it to be a surprise?", he enquired.

" Yes I like surprises but I want to know it so bad Ashy! Please tell me!", I pleaded.

"Oh well... I've got 4 tickets for a new movie", he said.

I sat up as soon as I heard him say 'movie', looked at him excitedly as I squealed,

" A movie date!?"

"Yeah... and after that we'll spend sometime in the amusement park... and then we'll have dinner at-"

I didn't let him finish his words and tackled him into a bear hug.

"Aww Ashy! Thank you so much!", I squealed in joy.

" Pika..."

I heard Pikachu mumble something, before again drifting off.

"Oops! I almost forgot 'bout Pikachu", I said.

" We should also get some rest Sere", he suggested.

I nodded as I went closer to him and nuzzled my face on his chest and he gently caressed my hair before kissing my forehead.

We cuddled a bit before falling asleep.

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