Chapter 4: Heartbreak

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*In the previous chapter we got to know what happened in Ash's past.*

*After Ash finishes telling them everything*

*Everyone stood in silence when tears rolled down Ash's emotionless face*

*Ash kneels down and begins tearing up*

*Bonnie, Clemont, and all other Pokémon hug him gently*

Bonnie- We are sorry for you Ash! You were all alone from then. But from now on we're going to stay beside you no matter what! Stop crying Ash, you are making me emotional as well. (sniffs)

Clemont- Bonnie's right Ash. Consider me your own brother.

*All Pokémon nod in agreement*
Ash- (sniffs) You guys...are the best!... I love you all!

Clemont and Bonnie- We love you too Ash!

Clemont- How 'bout we all go out and have some fun Ash? Your mind might get refreshed that way.

Ash- (nods) Ok Clemont.

Bonnie- Yay! Let's go!

*They proceed to walk outside of Prism tower and starts roaming around Lumiose City*

*While walking, Ash spots something and suddenly stops*

Clemont- Ash? Is something wrong?

Ash- (doesn't reply) (in mind- S..S.. Serena)

*Bonnie sees in the direction in which Ash is looking and spots a big screen with an advertisement of beauty products with Serena in the background*

Bonnie- (teases) Heyyy Ash! It seems like you're lost in her eyes...

Ash- (unconsciously) Yea...totally (snaps back suddenly to reality) Huh! Bonnie you said something? (In mind- Crap!)

Bonnie- You really like her don't you?

Ash- (blushing hard) Wh-wha-what are you talking about?

Bonnie- Oh c'mon! It's quite obvious you know? Just admit it, will ya? I know she likes you a lot!

Ash- (surprised while blushing) What! You think so? She likes me too?!?

Bonnie- Yup, I'm sure 'bout it! And, you just revealed that you like her too! (Chuckles)

Ash- Whatt! Oh well..., yea... I.. I do love her a lot... (Blushing).

Bonnie- (excited) Yayy! My ship is finally going to sail soon!

Clemont- (puts hand on Ash's shoulder) Glad to hear it Ash.

Ash- (sad) But... I miss her a lot. I want to see her again....

Bonnie- Cheer up Ash! I have news for you!

Ash- Huh? What is it Bonnie?

Bonnie- Do you know that Serena has won the Hoenn Pokémon Contest?

Ash- She did?! Lessgooo! I'm so much proud of her! That's my g- (stops speaking) umm... nothing (His face becomes red like a tomato).

Pikachu- (in a teasing tone) Pikaaaa?? (That's my what, Ash??)

Bonnie- (teases) I can see that you're not dense anymore.

Ash- (blushes) Ummm.... Yea I guess.

Bonnie- So... as she has won in Hoenn, she might return back here, to Kalos.

Ash- (screams in joy) REALLYYY!!

Ash- (screams in joy) REALLYYY!!

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