Chapter 15: Ultimate Showdown at the Battle Chateau

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**Welcome back guys to another chapter of 'The Lone Wolf'! I hope y'all are doing well. And yea, let's start!**

*In the last chapter we saw that our heroes, Ash and Serena, along with Gary and Miette went together on their first date. Now, i.e. the next day morning, our heroes are on their way to Cyllage City to meet Grant, the Cyllage City gym leader.*

The group had decided to make a detour on their way to the Cyllage City Gym to revisit the Battle Chateau. Nestled in the lush landscapes of Kalos, the Battle Chateau was not only a prestigious venue for Pokémon battles but also a place steeped in history and tradition.

As they approached the grand gates of the Battle Chateau, Ash couldn't help but feel a rush of nostalgia mixed with excitement. Serena, as always by his side, smiled warmly at him, her eyes reflecting the same enthusiasm.

Serena- Are you ready for this Ashy?

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Serena- Are you ready for this Ashy?

Ash- (nods) Definitely! It's been too long since I've battled here. I want to battle and upgrade my rank.

Gary- Rank? What do you mean?

Clemont- See, there are a total of 6 ranks that can be achieved here, at the Battle Chateau. It goes from the Common Rank, the Knight Rank, the Elite Knight Rank General Rank, Marshal Rank, and the highest and the most prestigious rank, 'The Grand Marshal' Rank.

Gary- Woah, sounds cool! In that case, I'm up for some heated battles too. It'll be good to test my skills here against the trainers.

Miette- Just don't get too carried away dear. Remember, it's not always about winning.

Gary nods in affirmation.

Inside the Battle Chateau, the atmosphere was as grand as ever. Elegant corridors adorned with portraits of past champions led to spacious battlefields where trainers engaged in friendly competition.

As the group relaxed in the grand halls of the Battle Chateau, they noticed a commotion building near one of the main battlefields. Word had spread that two Elite Knight Ranks were about tk battle. Intrigued, they all moved to the sidelines to watch the spectacle unfold.

The main battlefield of the Battle Chateau, surrounded by ornate columns and a crowd of eager spectators. The grandeur of the venue, with its high ceilings and elegant decor, added an air of formality and prestige to the occasion.

On one side Ash and Gary see a familiar face. It was Clair, a dragon-type gym leader from the Johto Region.

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