Chapter 6: Confession... or not?

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**Hello everyone! I'm back with another chapter guys! So, let's not talk much and see what happens next**

*In the last chapter we saw that Ash battled the thugs and protected Serena from them. After the thugs ran away, now with Ash and Serena*

*After Ash unties the ropes*

Ash- (putting his hand on her shoulder) Hey, you alright Serena? See, I'm here.

*Serena just kept staring in his eyes*

Ash- Are you oka- (interrupted by)

*Serena suddenly tackles Ash into a bear hug to which Ash falls down on his back with Serena on top of him*

Serena- (crying on Ash's chest) I'M SO MUCH SORRY ASHH! I'M SORRY! THAT CALEM IS NOT MY BOYFRIEND! BELIEVE ME ASH, I'M SAYING THE TRUTH! I-It was all a misunderstanding Ashh! (Hugs Ash more tightly, nearly squeezing him)

Serena- (blushing) Ash I..... I- (interrupted by)

Ash- Se... Serena..... I can't breathe!!

*Serena realises and releases him, and gets off him*

Serena- (looks down) I'm sorry Ash.

*Ash gets up, now facing Serena*

Ash- (wipes her tears) Why are you saying sorry? I should be the one apologizing for misunderstanding. (Pulls her chin up, staring straight into her Cerulean blue eyes).

Serena- (blushing like a tomato) W-what do you mean... Ash?

Ash- (gives a warm smile to her) Calem told me everything Serena.

Serena- He did?

Ash- Yea, he did. Now, listen Serena, I-I.... uhhh... want to tell you something.... (Blushes)

Serena- (Confused) Umm... yea what is it Ash?

Ash- (blushing) S-Serena, you see... When I first started my journey in Kalos, I met Clemont and Bonnie. They were really nice. Then, while battling Viola, I met you. I felt something in my heart but, I was unable to figure it out thanks to my denseness. I've travelled many regions with many friends of mine. There were also many female companions who travelled with me. They are Misty, May, Dawn, Iris, Mallow, Lillie, Lana, and Chloe. But, I've always felt a special, warm fuzzy feeling whenever you are around me. I've always felt a special force.... or more like a special bond between you and me Serena. But I wasn't able to understand this feeling due to my dense head.

Ash- (blushing) But, you finally broke my dense shell when you... ki-kissed me on the lips in the Lumiose Airport back then....

Serena- (blushing more) (in mind- Am I.... am I dreaming?)

Ash- But guess what? I've figured it out Serena, this feeling.

Serena- (face becomes red) (In mind- Is he really gonna say it? Is it for real?)

Ash- (holds Serena's hands together) So... What I want to say is- (interrupted by)

Serena- (Feels something on her hands when Ash was holding them) (screams) ASHHHHH! YOUR HAND'S BLEEDINGG!! YOU NEED TO GO TO A HOSPITAL RIGHT NOW!!

*Greninja, Sceptile, Lucario, and Pikachu, all fall down in Anime style*

Ash- (In mind- Bruhhhh! What a timing!!) Serena, I'm fine. I don't need to go to hospital just for this!

Serena- (glares at him) The cut's quite deep! Don't say a word. Just come with me.

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