5. When I Left You........

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“Clove all you have to do is look at the camera and talk to us about why you choose boxing and then throw a few punches, and we’re finished. Got it?” A middle aged man with crisp white hair informs me as he clicks his massive camera on. I swallow my breath and nod in absorbing his words in. He flashes me a small smile and directs me to stand in front of his blinking camera. I strap on my gloves, a soft black fabric stretched across it.

His hands count down from ten, and I prepare myself.

Tell the camera why you choose boxing

“You ready?” He asks on number five. I nod my head eagerly.

Throw some punches


The camera flashes onto me and I immediately freeze as the buzzing sound sounds around me. Focus Clove.

“It’s Clove Green the victor of the 74th Hunger Games!” A voice announces and I spin around. A woman in a blonde- bleached- wig and a silky blue corset walks towards me.

“We’re here at her beautiful new home to discuss her ‘talent’, besides knife-throwing.” The woman laughs and directs me to a seat in my living room. The camera trails after us, and I bite down on my lower lip.

“I’m Cecelia Jones, and now let’s begin!” Cecelia booms and smiles at the camera. She turns her delicate face to meet me.

“Clove it’s an honour interviewing you.” She says flattering me; I let my cheeks blush red.

“I’m so happy you asked.” I reply smiling back at her happy focused face.

“Now, I see with your lovely get-up here that maybe you have chosen a physical talent?” Cecelia asks me turning round the subject. I swallow my breath.

“Yeah you got me! I choose boxing actually, you see I’ve done boxing before, and I used to train once a week. I stopped when I turned thirteen though, and just really always wanted to go back.” I say confidently. I wonder where Cato is, it would be easier with him by my side to support me on and talk in the awkward moments.

This is your moment Clove, may it last

I hold my smile at Cecelia.

“Boxing? Wow, that’s a great decision. Not many victors actually choose sports for their after life, you must be a first.” Cecelia says star-struck. She’s amazing at this, and I want to step up my game a little now.

“Yeah I guess, but I didn’t want to sit around all day just painting or baking, I wanted to do something to keep me in shape and fit.”

“Yes that will help.” Cecelia says and I look into her soft brown eyes and see tears cloud into them. Her lips pout, and before I can say something she cleans her face of expression leaving her motionless.

“Would you mind showing us some moves then?”

The interview concludes with me throwing some wild punches at a dummy and then talking again before Cecelia ends it and the camera clicks off. She takes my arm, as soon as I release it from my glove.

“Clato forever,” And kisses it. She walks away with people on her trail. I stare after her.

Clato forever? What?

I am interrupted by my thoughts as a cold hands wraps around my waist.

I turn around my face feeling shocked, and grin to see Cato.

“How was it?” He purrs into my ear, and I fight the urge to kiss him.

“Fine, but my host was a little—“

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