14. Not Exactly Mine

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"So Clove, right?" Gloss whispers beside me and I shudder at his closeness. He sets down his tray of food, beside mine, and falls gracefully into his seat. I stiffen my body and wait for Finnick to sit quickly opposite me with an older lady with curly grey hair. She gives me a raspy smile, and I notice she's lost a lot of teeth.

"Yes." I mutter the word slowly out of my mouth, sounding it out. Gloss gives me an ear-piercing laugh and hands an apple across to Cashmere, his beautiful sister. Cato finally came to save me, balancing two trays on his arms. He plonks down beside me and I thank him deep inside.

"The Careers, I missed being here." Cashmere says longingly and gives Gloss a wink of her grey eyes. I can't help but hang my mouth open; these people think these's Games are another test. Who will survive? In a way it is, but more for me. I can't go back into the arena, and winning made that very obvious for me, but Snow is an evil, cruel man and he won't take NO for an answer.

"Yeah same. Maybe I should have won when I was eighteen, so I didn't miss it that long." Gloss gives a small chuckle. What year did he win in? I can't remember?

Mags gives a strange grunt sound and flicks her attention to Cato and I.

"She says that you two must feel it the worst." Finnick translates without even looking up. Mags gives a satisfied nod.

"Well..." Cato begins, but Cashmere interrupts him.

"I wish Glimmer and Marvel were here, ya' know? I knew Glimmer didn't love Marvel at all, she like you Cato, but Marvel was a confusing male. Liked Glimmer, then went off her, I think he liked you-" Cashmere points a small finger at me.

"And that ruined their chances, and of course their death." she babbles on and I drift off, trying to block away the voices.

We continue eating and exchanging chat and all the time I glumly look into my soup, spinning it round while placing small sips into my mouth for comfort. When we can leave, for one hour more of training, I don't pay any attention and follow the others around like a lost dog. Soon, a bell signals and we all file out beat and ready for some dinner. Cato and I share the lift withe 4 and 12, the conversation not even opening.

"See you," Finnick says as our stop is first and we climb out.

I give him a smile before shoving out and stepping into our beautiful apartment. Cato wraps a warm hand around my waist and pushes me against the wall suddenly. His lips are on mine before I know it and the fire between us is agonizing. He moves his lips up against mine, and I don't flail. Instead I knot my hand into his blonde hair and pull at it. He releases me, unwillingly just outside the kitchen frame door. We exchange some soft pants and he waits until I am stable before squeezing my palm and then walks with me in toll into the room. Everything is quiet; unusual. I thought Sedrya would be bustling over to us straight away and asking all about training. There's one thing I don't want to speak about; allies. I let go of Cato's grip.

"I'm gonna go get some shut eye before dinner. See you later," I tell him softly and slip away to my room. I love my Capitol room, with the lush soft carpets and the crystal lights and the soft velvet bed. What's not to love? But I especially love the balcony. It's just in front of my bed, the tall glass doors seeling me from the fresh air. I take my chances and unlock the chain and slink out onto the hard stone floor.

"Aaaaahhh," I let my voice scream out as I feel the fresh breeze on my cheeks and on my legs. I spin round happily.

You're free,

My conscious says softly in my mind. I agree with myself; I am free.

I head straight for the view, my elbows leaning on the edge of the structure. Traffic lights, and loud voices fill my head as I glance around at the Capitol. All these people who will never die young. Only us. Only us. I stalk back, my eyes clouded with tears.

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