13. Sunny Side Up

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I know it's wrong; pitying Prim, but it keeps playing in my mind.

Could I have helped her in any way? I don't know, I just don't.

My head surfaces from underneath my blankets, unwillingly. I know what today is; the schedule from just months before rings in my mind. I think back to my Games, the 74th. With Glimmer and Marvel, Arianna the mad hatter. Peeta, or as we tagged him 'Lover-Boy'. And then of course is the famous Katniss. The girl we showed so much hatred to, the girl that was destined to win. We won.

"Clove! Hurry up breakfast is hot and going! And get changed, training is at 11!" I hear Sedrya's shrill voice ringing through my room. I groan; training again. I have to learn something new, showing my knife skills at the private sessions won't get me high marks.

I jump out and quick as can be change into the laid out training clothes. Different from last years, I think glumly to myself as I pull on the dark trousers.

I walk out and stomp(yes stomp) into the dining area where Brutus and Cato are dipping toast into bright yellow goo.

"Hey beautiful." Cato smirks at me as I plonk down into the blue plush chairs equipped around the exotic table.

"Morning," Brutus adds cheerfully. I pour myself some orange juice and pile my plate with some fine looking eggs.

"Nice outfits," Brutus says trying to get the ball rolling.

"So what's the plan?" I cut in miserably. My stew steams out hot broth as I spoon it into my hungry mouth. Brutus gives a loud grunt and leans in closer to his own platter.

"Make allies, good allies. Snow wants you guys dead; don't give him any chances to. Stick together, got it?" he says and shuts his mouth as Sedrya wobbles in.

"Hmph. It's 10:52 you might want to hurry." she remarks and stands so still I swear she looks like a statue. A statue that is, with a big mouth.

Cato pushes back his chair and hops up, me mirroring him.

"See you both later," Brutus says and pours himself some liquor. I give him a small nod and make my way out, behind Sedrya. Once we reach the crystal clear elevator, she stops.

"Go, it will seem childish if I bring you both down." she sniffs and shoves us into the shaft. The doors swing shut and we plunge down, watching as Sedrya disappears from our view

As the doors work on the Capitol's command, we arrive at the training centre in seconds. Everyone is surrounding the tall dark woman, Atala. We rush to join them, and someone presses a 2 to my back. She gives a cough and begins.

"Welcome victors, to this years Hunger Games. Today you must compete in three compulsory exercises, the rest you may choose as you like. I advise you to pay attention, you've won once but this time you're all killers." she gives a small nod to Prim. "with one exception,"

"20% of you will die from dehydration, 30% from affection. Exposure can kill just as easy as a knife." the speech was the same as last time and I barely pay attention. My eyes flicker to Prim, her two french plaits hanging down innocently at her sides.

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