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୨⎯ Chapter 25⎯୧
"A Dwarf, Elf and Faerie"

୨⎯ Chapter 25⎯୧"A Dwarf, Elf and Faerie"

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AS THE BATTLE rages on, amidst the clash of steel and the cries of the combatants, I catch sight of Legolas calmly counting his kills. "Thirty-three, thirty-four," he murmurs, his voice steady despite the chaos around us.

"Are you seriously counting?" I quip, unable to suppress a smirk as I glance over at him.

Legolas meets my gaze with a knowing smirk of his own. "No..." he begins, his tone teasing, before swiftly killing another enemy with an expertly aimed arrow.

I roll my eyes at his playful response before turning my attention back to the fray, my focus shifting to the orc looming before me. With a determined resolve, I summon the power of the earth, sending jagged spikes of stone erupting from the ground to impale it.

As the orc falls, defeated, another approaches, but before I can even move, it slams into me, knocking me to the ground. Before I can gather my bearings, Khellan rushes to my aid, using his earth magic to summon a barrage of rocks, slamming the orc to the ground.

I push myself up from the ground, still reeling from the impact, and prepare to continue the fight. But without so much as a glance in Khellan's direction, I rise to my feet and charge back into battle, my mind solely focused on the task at hand.

Khellan's outstretched hands remain suspended in the air for a moment, his expression a mix of frustration and disappointment. "Not even a thank you?!" he calls after me, but I've already moved on, my attention consumed by the chaos of battle.

I then catch a glimpse of Aine fighting alongside the dead, her movements graceful yet determined as she unleashes her powers against the enemy. It's a surreal sight, "Well, isn't that ironic," I mutter to myself, a wry smile playing on my lips as I observe Aine's unexpected alliance with the dead.


The battlefield soon fell into an eerie calm, the echoes of battle fading into the quiet of the aftermath. Standing alongside Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli, I watched as the King of the Dead confronted us, "release us" he pleaded.

Gimli's gruff voice broke the silence, his skepticism evident as he muttered, "Bad idea," casting a wary glance at the ghostly figures surrounding us. I slapped his arm, earning an ouch from him as he rubbed it, he added, "what? Very handy in a tight spot, these lads, despite the fact they're dead."

The King of the Dead pressed his plea, reminding us of the oath we had given. "You gave us your word!" he insisted, his voice carrying a sense of urgency.

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