Chapter eight

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I was sad to be leaving New York again, but it was time to get back and get back to work.... I was dreading this moment for days  since I didn't want to leave my family behind. Living in a other city made me realize how important my little sister is to me, even though we have a 10 year age gap. 

I was waiting for the train to arrive when I spotted someone walking towards me. It took me a second to realize who it was. "Hey Rory!'' The boy said. ''Oh hey Danny". What is he doing here.. ''I'm going to travel to Jersey city for a job interview and since you are also going there I thought maybe we could travel together and-'' Omg make him shut up please. I nodded awkwardly and grabbed my phone to check when the train would arrive. 

The train arrived and we got in. Danny was still talking about himself and the job interview. I didn't even pay attention to where he was going to work, but probably some boring office job. Luckily the train only takes 20 minutes, so I could get rid of him pretty quickly. But god wasn't on my side today because his job interview was near my apartment building, so we had to walk a good 20 minutes extra together. ''This is where I have to be'' Danny said. ''oh okay good-luck'' I said and I wanted to walk away as quickly as possible, but Danny grabbed my wrist firmly. ''Maybe we could meet up after my job interview?''. Is this guy serious... ''No sorry I have to work'' I said as I tried to get away. ''Maybe some other day then'' Danny said letting me go. I waved at him and walked away as quickly as I could. Sadly I couldn't spend that much time at home since the devils had game at 3:30 PM. I threw on a short denim skirt and a black one sleeve top and left to go to the bus stop.

I had to rush now, great. My bus arrived to early at the bus stop but didn't wait, so now I'm already fifteen minutes late since I missed it. I decided to take another bus and then walk the rest of the way, but I didn't bring a jacket so now I'm also cold. I ran inside and then saw Luna talking to someone. ''Luna!'' I shouted. She turned around smiling widely "Hey Rory, you're back!''. I gave her a big hug and turned to the person she was talking to. ''Hello Rory, it is nice to finally meet you''. I was shocked. Luna was talking to Trevor Zegras. ''Oh uh hi'' I said shyly. After catching up a bit we walked towards the rink. Luna was nice enough to take pictures of the boys entering, since I wasn't there. I was busy taking pictures of the boys when I felt a tap on my shoulder. ''Hey Luke'' I said when I saw who was standing behind me. ''Hey Rory! Marcus is searching for you'' he said. I looked at him confused but he only shrugged and started walking towards the bench to put his bottle down. Why on earth would our boss be looking for me. I walked into the hallway and saw him standing there talking to someone I hadn't seen before. ''Marcus? you were looking for me?'' I said. He turned around a smiled ''Yes Rory, I want you to help this new employee with taking interviews today''. I hate interviews. ''Uh okay sure I can make that work'' I said trying not to sound annoyed. I went to shake the new employees hand when I realized who it was. ''What a coincidence that we meet again so soon Rory'' Danny said with a wide smile. I internally screamed, why him of all people. 

Turns out Danny had a job interview for the same job that I have. Clara was fired because Marcus found her videos from her holiday to Paris last weeks. If I had listened to him on the train I wouldn't have been so surprised. I sighed for what felt like the hundredth time today when Danny was struggling with putting the camera up. He has been trying for 10 minutes now and I decided that trying to help him wasn't going to work. ''Rory where do I put this?'' He asked and turned around with the camera in his hand. Is he fr? ''Maybe you have to put that at the bottom?'' I said sarcastically. ''But then the camera angle isn't right'' Danny said confused. I rolled my eyes and started to sort the questions. Our goal for today was to interview Timo Meier, Curtis Lazar and Jack. I was looking forward to Jack completely destroying Danny. 

The Devils were playing against LA Kings today, so that would mean it is going to be a tough game. The Kings scored 2 goals in the first period and Devils scored 0. It was the first intermission so that means we got to do our first interview. I would do the first one so Danny could watch and learn. I had asked Timo to come into the interview room and made Danny introduce himself. I asked Timo the questions I prepared and finished up. After the interview I asked Danny if he wanted to do the next two interviews and he agreed. The second period went a bit better the Kings scored one but the Devils scored two which meant it was 2-3 for the Kings. Danny was actually pretty good at interviewing and went through the questions quickly. 

Last period was starting and I was actually getting nervous. The Devils were playing good but so were the Kings. Timo scored the 3-3 so it was a tie. There were only 45 seconds left and everyone was giving it their all. One of the king players hooked their stick on Luke which made him slide down and hit the boards really hard. The crowd all gasped and Jack started skating towards the player who made Luke fall. Jack threw the first punch but the other player followed quickly. While the referees were trying to calm the boys down Luke was struggling to get up. He gripped his side as he tried to stand and skated to the bench slowly. He looked really hurt. 

The game ended in OT and the Devils lost 3-4. The fans were still applauding for the players when I saw Jack walk by. ''Jack wait! We have to interview you!'' I called out. He turned around and instead of complaining he walked in with out saying anything. Once we got Jack in the room Danny tried shaking his hand but Jack just stared at him blankly. ''Are you going to interview me?'' He asked Danny. ''Yes I am, I'm new so..'' Danny said shyly. Jack looked at me ''I want Rory to interview me'' He said. I met his eyes but looked away quickly when I noticed that my cheeks started to warm up. ''Well sorry Jack, but Danny here has to learn. So to bad'' I tried to say confidently. Jack shrugged and faced the camera and just before Danny started asking the questions, I saw Jack smirking. Oh god he isn't going to go easy on him....  

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