Chapter nine

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Jacks POV

He made Luke slide into the boards very hard... What an absolute dick! The puck wasn't even close to Luke, he just did it for fun. I was frustrated and angry. I skate towards the guy as fast as I can and there I throw the first punch. No one touches my little brother for no reason. The referees are trying to calm us down but I don't care, this type of behaviour should be stopped immediately.

My head hurts from the punches I got and we lost. What a great fucking day. I was walking towards the dressing room when I heard someone call out my name. Rory wanted to interview me. She never does interviews... Well she isn't that bad so why won't I. I walk to the interview room and when I entered I saw a boy standing in front of the camera. "Hello I'm Danny" the boy said sticking out his hand. I didn't shake it, I just stared at him. He glanced over to Rory looking insecure. "Are you going to interview me?" I asked the boy. "Yes I am, I'm new and-" I didn't let him finish "I want Rory to interview me" I said as I turned to look at her. She looked me in the eyes but quickly looked away. Good I'm making her shy. I saw she was trying to be confident as she said "He is new so he is doing your interview, sorry Jack". I shrugged and stepped in front of the camera. I saw the boy glaring over at Rory again with a slight blush on his cheeks. Are they a thing?

"Uhm how uh did you think this game went?" Danny asked stuttering a bit. "Well we lost so what the fuck do you think" I answered as I rolled my eyes. He looked like he wanted to die, but I was satisfied with my answer. I smirked at Rory who was trying her best not to smile as well. "Well Danny ask the next question" Rory said ticking her watch. "Oh yes sorry... So Jack... What do you like to after your hockey matches?" He asked trying to regain his confidence. "Not getting interviewed is one". Danny looked shocked and dropped his cards by accident.

"Okay I will finish the interview Danny, please step aside" Rory said shaking her head. Now it was me and Rory standing in front of the camera. "So what do you think you guys have to do better next game?" She asked completely serious. ''Well the last two periods were good, so we have to start stronger next time''. I answered. I saw that she looked relieved with my answer. ''Okay and last question, we are all wondering how Luke is doing'' She said smiling. ''He is fine he is used to more''.

Danny was packing the camera stuff as I watched Rory look at the footage. ''Well there is a lot of editing to do'' she sighed. Danny got red and tried to say something but couldn't find his words. ''So... are you guys like a thing?'' I asked but immediately regretted. I don't want to know the answer. Rory looked surprised, but Danny decided to answer. ''Not yet but you know anything can happen'' he said with a smirk. Rory started chocking on air. ''No we are not a thing and we will never be'' she spat out. ''Good'' I said as I walked to the door. ''I will see you around Rory'' I gave her a smile and closed the door behind me.

When I arrived at the dressing room the boys were already showered and dressed. Luke was sitting on the bench still holding his side. ''Is it a bad bruise?'' I asked him. ''Yeah it's huge, but I'll be fine'' He said trying to smile. Turns out Luke broke 2 of his ribs and had to sit out the next 3 weeks. He was not happy about it and I felt really bad. It's his rookie year and the pressure is really getting to him, especially since he has to sit at home now and he got no distractions.

Next day

We had a free day today so I slept in. I woke up around 1 pm because someone was blasting music really loudly. I quickly put on some sweatpants and walked downstairs, expecting to see Luke sitting on the couch blasting who ever this singer is. I walked into the kitchen and saw Luke sitting at the bar, while Rory was making french toast and singing along with the song. ''Did you guys have to wake me up with this trash music'' I groaned and sat down next to Luke. Rory turned around and her eyes turned wide. That's when I realized I am not wearing a shirt. ''Jezus dude put some clothes on'' Luke said smirking.

''And also Harry Styles isn't trash music'' Rory said frowning.

''Harry Styles? Who tf is that?'' I said.

She looked shocked. ''You don't know who Harry Styles is?!'' I shaked my head. Luke got up and threw a shirt to me. ''Dress up man''. I watched Rory cook and sing along to a song called Carolina or something. She looked really cute... Wait what am I thinking- She is not cute.. I still have to set her up with Trevor. Thinking about Trevor... He invited us to a party this weekend since we will be playing against the ducks, so that would be a good time to introduce them. Rory put a plate with french toast in front of Luke, who immediately digged in. I pouted at Rory who just raised an eye brow and turned around. ''So am I not getting french toast?'' I asked in a sweet tone. ''You didn't ask me to make you some, so I gave Luke all'' She said shrugging. I opened my phone to check my missed messages and saw someone started following me.

''DannyCreel starting following you''

''DannyCreel wants to send you a message''

I raised my eyebrow as I looked at the screen. ''Rory?'' I asked. ''Hm?'' She looked at me. ''This Danny dude whats his deal?'' She rolled her eyes when she heard the question ''He was my first love, but now hes just annoying and all. Why?'' ''Oh no reason'' I answered. I opened the messages.


Hey man, you don't want to mess with me

Just warning you.


What are you talking about?


I see how you looked at Rory.

But you better leave her alone, I'm warning you


I don't know what you are talking about

But I'm not scared of you fyi


She is mine bro, step away.


We will see who she chooses ;)

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