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Dust POV


I'm not sure anyone has ever felt as much suffering as I have. And I'm not talking about the genocide runs or murdering my brother. I'm talking about the insufferable idiots I share a prison cell with. Horror, to be specific, though they're all annoying. Horror trails after me like a dog. I swear he thinks I'm his master or something. He doesn't bother me, to be honest. He's just always there. He stands behind me silently, watching me, waiting for me to do something brilliant like bust us out of here. Or he's beside me, practically on top of me, eating a chicken wing he got two days ago, acting like my bodyguard. I didn't ask to get stuck with him, but the Creators really like watching me suffer, huh?

Of course, as much as I make fun of Horror and stuff, it gets lonely when he gets taken, and I'd be lying if I said I'm a little worried about him. Of course, that's only because he'd be too stupid to realize he's in danger until he's lost his head. At least he's not so stupid as to attack the guards for a dumb laptop. I can't say the same about Killer. We're still waiting for him to come back. Y/N is going through Shattered's laptop quietly, waiting for her knight in shining armor to return, even though he's most likely a pile of dust by now. It's been two days, after all.

One good thing about having the laptop is we actually know what time it is now. Sure, we can always go outside and look at the sun- if the guards let us- but it's nice to know the time every now and then. Currently, it's four-thirty P.M, and I reckon we'll be eating soon. Of course, for all I know, they could be feeding us dinner at eight in the morning, and we'd have no idea.

I want to chuck Shattered's laptop into a ditch just to see how he'd react. It's a fancy one, too, with a golden pentagram on the top and black keys that make a beautiful sound whenever Y/N types something. It's very fast as well, with only a little bit of a delay because of our shitty signal down here. It'd probably be worth like five thousand dollars if we were to sell it, maybe even more. Which is exactly why I want to break it in half. Not only would we be destroying something of Shattered's that could set him back a lot, but it'd be satisfying to watch something so expensive just snap in half like it's a candy cane. Of course, if we want to get out of here, we need Slash's help, and to get him here, we need the laptop, so I have to wait to destroy the precious thing.

That's another thing that bugs me. We need Slash. Slash. Before Shattered corrupted himself like Nightmare did, he was Dream, and he was good friends with Slash. We kidnapped Slash, though, and we tortured him a bit. I remember Killer one time took his arm off and presented it to Silver- Slash's brother- as a "gift". Slash was still alive, obviously, and he got his arm back and healed just fine. He's the only person we could contact without risking everything, however. Even contacting him was risky, though. Honestly, I think he's only helping us for Y/N. He's so friendly with her. I can hear them chatting right now, actually, and it's annoying.

The lock on the door makes a faint clicking sound, and for a moment, I'm afraid Y/N didn't hear it. But she does, and she throws the laptop under her large coat- one of the only things of hers that Shattered let her keep down here- and she grabs her notebook, drawing while sitting on top of the coat, the laptop right by her side so it doesn't seem like anything would be underneath. Her single pillow- which she stole from the bed, so now the bed only has one- sits on top of the laptop, hiding it even more, and she uses it as an arm rest. She's definitely smart, that's for sure. She's always doing something different whenever the guards walk in. Yesterday, it was sleeping- she actually fell asleep- and two days ago, which was when we first got the laptop, she was arguing with me because we weren't sure if the guards could hear her talking to Slash.

The door opens, and Ink comes in and roughly throws Killer to the ground, then slams the door shut. Killer seems hardly conscious, blood dripping from a cut on his skull. His ankle is bent awkwardly, which isn't good. Y/N is at his side in an instant, checking him over to make sure he's alright, and he puts on a grin and acts like he's fine, but even Horror could see the amount of pain he's in.

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