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Killer POV


Nightmare sinks into the couch cushions, socket closing and breathing slowing as he passes out. Y/N lets me help her finish the soup I made- or rather, Horror made, since I can't cook for shit- and then leans into my arms, whimpering.

It hurts to see her so like this. She's always been so cheerful and sunny, so full of life. But seeing her look so fragile... It hurts. I wish I could just kiss her and she'd get better.

I can't even do anything to help her. Nightmare can ease the pain, but he can't heal her, and no one here has healing magic except for her, and she can't use it because Shattered took it from her. Whether or not it'll come back, I... Don't know. I hope so...

I hate being so helpless. It makes me want to stab something. But I can't leave her alone. And it's not like I could just throw her over my shoulder as I go kill someone. She needs rest, and she probably wouldn't like it.

So I just sit here, holding her in my arms, stroking the top of her head as she whimpers in pain with each breath.

She closes her eyes, and after a very long time, she finally falls asleep. I grab a blanket and set it over her gently and carefully so I don't wake her. Then I set my head on the armrest and sigh.

"...She looks so weak." Dust's voice comes from behind me, but I don't bother to look up. He walks over and sits down on the floor in front of the couch, propping his chin up with a hand and staring at Y/N with an unreadable expression, as usual. "I didn't know humans could get like this. I mean, I knew some were pretty weak, but I thought.."

"I'm gonna kill him." I mutter. "Him and everyone else who even touched her."

"You can't."

"I can, actually, and I will.

"No, I mean, you physically cannot kill him." Dust makes a gesture to Nightmare. "Remember that time you tried so hard to kill Dream in battle, but you couldn't, and he gave us all a long fucking lecture about how he can't be killed unless he's the one to do it? Shattered is still Dream, in some sick, twisted way. Only Nightmare can kill him."

"...Shit." I exhale slowly and close my sockets.

"The best you can do is get him injured and let Nightmare finish the job."

I look down at Y/N. "...So I'll do that. I'll go there, stab him in his stupid fucking face until he's a bleeding, almost dead mess, drag him back to Nightmare, and let him kill him."

"Yeah, good plan, except for the part where you end up dead or in a cell for the rest of your stupid life." He rolls his eye lights. "You think you're gonna do that alone?"

"I have to."


"To protect Y/N. To keep us all safe."

"Ok, but killing Shattered won't fix Y/N."

"No, but it'll make sure he can't do anything else to her."

"Except instead, you die a horrible death, we all get kidnapped again, Y/N is miserable and alone forever, and we just lost one of our best members because he was too stupid to think clearly."

"I won't die-" I pause, then grin. "Did you just call me one of our best members?"


"You did. I heard it."

"You are far from the best member, idiot. That's even more true if you're hearing things I didn't even say."

"Nuh-uh~ You said I'm one of the best members of the teeeeeamm~"

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