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When I wake up and find myself not chained to a wall or in a prison cell, and instead lying on a soft surface that feels like a jacket, I grow confused. I slowly open my eyes and stare up into what looks like trees, but my vision is blurry, so they're more like green blobs. I squint, and they slowly come into focus. They are trees. I sit up with a soft, deep groan as pain spikes throughout my entire body.

"I wouldn't sit up if I were you." Nightmare's voice comes from my right, and I look over. He's hunched over a very small campfire that's covered by a small leaf canopy, blocking the smoke from rising too high. "You're still healing."

"...Where-" I cough harshly and wince. "W-Where am I...?"

"The forest. A couple miles away from Starlight Springs." He turns to me, and I see that his chest is slightly bandaged and there's a cast around his right arm.

"So... We're safe...?" I look around. "Where's everyone else..?"

"Slash and Cross are out looking for anything we can use to survive. A car would be useful, but we're in the middle of nowhere." He sighs. "Cross thinks we should hide on Mount Ebott or try to find a way to get help from another AU. Reaper, maybe. The problem is, we found out while you were unconscious that Shattered can detect anyone who teleports in or out of this AU, so until we're stronger, we have to stay here. And we can't stay in one spot, either, because he's looking for us. We've had to move several times despite all of my attempts to keep us hidden."

I slowly sit up, examining myself. I've covered in small cuts and bruises, and despite the internal agony I feel with every move, I seem alright. "..What happened?"

"After you passed out, Slash grabbed you, I took Cross, and we ran. Shattered was the only one that could pursue us- a fault in his own barrier, I guess- and we suffered a few injuries. I think I took the worst of them, though." He looks at his left leg, which has a long scar going down his tibia. "We hid somewhere, but we were found only a couple hours later. I guess Shattered put the barrier down so his humans could get through. We've been on the run for a couple days." He gives me a look, and for a moment I almost think he's concerned about me. "Slash thought you died. You've barely shown a single sign of life until now. Your breathing was slow and uneven, and sometimes I wondered if you were even breathing at all. I was able to fix most of the outside injuries, but I can't heal the inside ones. They'll have to mend on their own."

It's not my injuries I care about. It's Killer. "A-Are- Are the others- Horror? Dust? Killer...? Are they-"

"They're still trapped. I have no idea what's going to happen to them." A tendril snakes towards me and gently grabs my hand. "I'm sure he'll be fine. He's stupid, but he's strong."

"We- We need to save them. If the barrier is down-"

"Y/N." His voice is firm. "We are in no condition to go back there. Cross is still hazy. He's slipping in and out of this trance, sometimes thinking he's loyal to Shattered and sometimes cursing Shattered for brainwashing him." He sees my heartbroken expression, and his tone softens slightly. "We will go back for them. Just not yet."

"Nightmare!" Slash comes crashing through the bushes, yelping. "We need to leave. They're coming." He looks at me. "Hi, Y/N! Glad to see you're awake."

"G-Guys, maybe if we just talked to Shattered-" Cross follows Slash as Nightmare quickly puts the fire out. "I- I mean, he's not that bad." Nightmare gives him a glare, and he sighs. "...Ok, I hear myself." His shoulders sink and he adjusts the hood of his jacket. "Sorry, boss.."

Nightmare stands, and without a word, he picks me up. I squeak. "I- Nightmare, I- I can walk myself-"

"For your safety, and for the safety of the group, I'm carrying you." He mutters. "I don't enjoy it either, but we don't have a choice. You'll only slow us down otherwise." He stiffens as someone in the distance barks orders at someone. It sounds like Shattered. "Let's go. Hold on tight, Y/N."

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