Chapter 1

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Emery has been staying with the LaRusso's with her twin

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Emery has been staying with the LaRusso's with her twin. He joined Miyagi do karate and was supposed to give a demo for the dojo with Daniel and his daughter Sam.

They tried to get Emery in the dojo but she refused, the same with cobra Kai.

She saw how hurt Robby got and they stole the chance Miyagi do had at the valley fest.

So she decided to go to cobra Kai the next day, not really to join but to see what they're made of. Or just to prove they're fighting dirty.

Emery learned karate when she was young, her dad always taught her, well more like when he wasn't drunk, working or just moody. He didn't teach Robby 'cause he was staying with their mom. She left and didn't pay the electricity bills so Emery came to stay with Robby so he wouldn't be alone. Then the LaRusso's offered them both a place.

She was now standing in front of the building. There were a lot of new students there, they've all seen the demo.

She walked in while Johnny was giving a speech. All the kids were lined up so she just stood in the back. No one noticed her coming in.

"We'll consider this a trial run." He said to a man who was to old to be there.

"I thought my last group of recruits was pathetic." Johnny begun. "But if you do what I tell you to do, you'll at least have a chance of becoming a fighter. But to do that, you gotta fight. So, which one of you has the balls to take on the champ?"

Emery would never turn down a fight. Even tho she didn't really want to join a dojo, she knew she was more advanced than anyone here.

"I'll do it." Emery spoke up. Kids moved out the way so Johnny could walk up to her and he saw a rather familiar face.

"Oh, you will, huh?" Johnny smirked.

"I saw the tournament and your little demo at valley fest. You guys can put on a show, but are you sure you can fight?"

"That sounds like a challenge."

"You know I like a challenge." The girl grinned.

"Mr. Diaz, show little miss hotshot here what cobra Kai is all about." Sensei spoke.

The boy who was the so called champ bowed to him and walked to the middle of the mat.

"Look, are you sure that you wanna do—" the boy got caught off by getting kicked in the face.

He stumbled a bit but caught balance eventually. "Alright." He chuckled. "Game on."

She went straight for him, tried to punch him a few times but he blocked them all. She kicked him but before it landed he moved away.

"Close the gap." He spoke.

"Like you even know what you're talking about." She sprinted towards him and tried to kick him. He grabbed her leg and pushed her to the floor. She flipped backwards and stood up.

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