Chapter 6

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Emery went to Moon's party with the cobra's

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Emery went to Moon's party with the cobra's.

She was oblivious that she developed something for Tory. Sure she got feelings when Tory complimented her or talked to her but they're just friendly feelings right?

Emery was talking with Aisha and Hawk when they came in. The Miyagi do's.

The girl frowned a bit when she was her ex best friend and twin. Of course she loved Robby but they weren't each other's favorite people during these circumstances.

After some time Em was outside watching the drinking game, but when Sam joined she left.

She was fed up with just hearing the two girls fight.

Emery never was the sweetest person but she didn't really like violence. Even though she loved fighting.

She sat down next to hawk on the couch.

"Hey, how you doing?" The girl asked. He was looking rather sad in a direction. Emery looked that way and saw Moon, his ex, and a girl called Piper making out together.

She didn't really know Piper she only knew 'cause she was an athlete and Emery is on the cheer team.

"It'll be fine." She reassured hawk. "She may have been over you really quick but you'll get over her in no time. Maybe you'll someday even get back together."

"Yeah right." He scoffed.

Emery sighed at his reaction.

Then someone came and sat next to the two. Demetri.

After some awkward silence the boy spoke up. "You check out the new doctor who trailer?"

"I don't watch nerd shit." Hawk tried to act tough.

Emery exhaled deeply.

"You know, uh.. Moffat isn't the show runner anymore."

"Wait, really? Since when? Is there a new doctor?" Hawk questioned.

The three always used to watch doctor who together. Until cobra Kai came back...

Demetri nodded.

"What's he like?"

"She's badass." Demetri replied.

"She?" Hawk asked amazed.

"I told you a girl would be a doctor sometime!" Em exclaimed.

Hawk turned himself to his ex and her new girlfriend giggling and his face fell.

"I'd give up, man. She's moved on."

"Demetri! Give him some hope." Emery spoke.

"What? She clearly moved on and so should hawk." Demetri defended.

"Defeat does not exist." Hawk spoke.

"There he goes with taking the lessons to far again." The girl muttered.

Demetri sighed. "There's that winning attitude that pushed her away in the first place. I think you need a healthy dose of inner peace. It's worked for me."

"Oh yeah?" Hawk questioned.

He stood up and grabbed Emery's hand to help her up. Despite Emery being so against the way he's acting, they're still best friends.

He then poured his beer all over Demetri.

"What the hell, Hawk?" Emery gasped.

"Oh, give me a break." He threw his cup on Demetri. "Still a pussy."

"I'm so sorry, Demi. Should I help you clean up?" Emery offered.

"No it's fine." He walked away.

When Emery went to walk outside again, she ran into Tory.

"Hey, you okay?" Emery questioned.

"I'm fine. I'm just gonna clean up." She answered.

Emery could see she was pissed at something.

"Okay. Let me know if you need any help." Em smiled.

Tory nodded and with that she left.

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"Hey, Sam." Emery walked up to her ex best friend. "Maybe you should slow down."

"You're just pissed off because I kicked your friend's ass. You can consider this payback for what you guys did to our dojo."

"I didn't have anything to do with that. Neither did Tory, Miguel and Aisha." Emery spoke. "Why do you think me and Miguel returned the medal?"

"You didn't return it." Sam said confused. "Demetri found it in the dojo."

"Nope. I'm pretty sure I can remember me and Miguel giving the medal to Robby."

"I.. I just... I just need some air." She walked off.

Emery was pretty sure by that, that Robby just hid it in the dojo instead of saying we gave it back.

Then Robby came back. "Hey, do you know where Sam is?" He questioned.

"Did you hid the medal in the dojo instead of saying we gave it back?" Emery asked disappointed.

"Emery—" Robby tried to reason.

"No. I asked you a question, Robby."

He just looked down instead of using his words.

Emery scoffed. "Of course you did."

"I was just mad at Miguel." Robby spoke.

"For what? He didn't steal the medal he fought his best friend for it to return it!" Emery yelled.

"I—I'm sorry, Em." Robby said.

"Yeah right." She went outside to see another rumble.

"Screw mercy. You're a corpse!" Hawk yelled.

"You're gonna have to go through me." Chris spoke.

"Stay out of it, traitor." Assface said to his former best friend.

"Hey, don't touch him." Robby spoke.

"What you gonna do about it?" Emery scoffed.

"Guys." Moon spoke. "Stop. We're friends."

"Oh, I smell a rumble!" Stingray exclaimed.

But then there were sirens.

"Cops!" A boy yelled.

"Demetri, you got lucky. I'll see you in school!" Hawk yelled.

"Em, let's go." Robby spoke.

"No, Robby. I'm not going with you." Emery ran off to find Tory.

She eventually ran into her.

"Tory, I was looking for you! Are you okay?" The girl noticed her tear stains.

"I'm fine." But Tory got a look that said that she knew she wasn't. "Okay, fine. She kissed him."


"Sam kissed Miguel." Tory spoke.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry. Do you want me to with you to your house?" Emery asked.

"No, no, it's fine." Tory tried to reason.

"No, it's really not. You're drunk and heartbroken. Get in my car."

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