Chapter 4

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Emery was stretching with some of the other students when she saw her dad walk in.

Her and Miguel walked up to him.

"Hey, dad. I'm sorry for your loss." Emery spoke.

"Yeah me too." Miguel said.

"Thanks." Johnny smiled a bit.

"So, how'd the funeral go?" Miguel questioned.

"As good as any funeral can be. So, how'd it go around here while I was gone?"

"Great." Miguel began. "I mean, sensei Kreese is tough, but he knows what I takes to win."

Johnny nodded and with that Miguel walked away.

Johnny began walking to his office and Emery followed.

"I kinda disagree with Miguel. He taught us things you would never do. When I scored a point he told me to finish the fight. He said the tournament's different than real life and then you don't show mercy. I don't trust him at all."

"Okay.. I'll talk with him about it." Johnny replied.

Emery nodded and walked to the main dojo again to stretch.

After a bit Johnny came to the main dojo. "Everybody, get your gis on. Training starts in five minutes."

Emery looked confused at his announcement.

"Yeah, what's wrong?"

"Nothings wrong." Miguel begun. "I just thought we were going to the woods for a special training today."

"What's happening in the woods?" Johnny questioned.

"Well, I thought it was a good time to separate the men from the boys." Kreese spoke up.

Emery cleared her throat.

"And the girls too, I suppose."

"How?" Sensei Lawrence asked.

"Coyote creek." The man smirked.

Johnny sighed. "I'm not sure they're ready for that."

Sensei Kreese scoffed. "There's only one way to find out."

"We're ready, sensei. We wanna prove ourselves." Hawk said.

"It's up to sensei Lawrence. If he says it's okay, then, and only then, is it okay."

Johnny looked at Emery and she gave a nod.

"Alright what are you waiting for?" Johnny gave in. "Let's go."

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"Gentlemen, ladies." Kreese begun. "Welcome to coyote creek. You've been split into two teams. Red and black." Kreese held a red headband and Johnny a black one.

Emery, Tory, Miguel and a few other students were in team black. Hawk, Aisha and the rest were in team red.

"The goal is to capture as many headbands as possible from the other side. Today, the people across from you are not your friends. They're not your brothers. They are the enemy. The last team standing... wins."

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