Chapter 8

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It has been two weeks since the school fight

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It has been two weeks since the school fight. Miguel has been in a coma for two weeks. Emery's father has been absent for two weeks, getting wasted. And it has been two weeks since she last saw Tory.

Emery lost count of how many times she got called to bail Johnny out. He was getting back to his old way's.

As Emery got trough the school's security, she saw Hawk and a few other cobra's.

She scoffed at the sight.

She obviously quit cobra Kai, but she missed her old friends.

In the two weeks she got closer to Moon as the girls realized they shared some classes together.

She also started hanging out with Demetri again.

He was a Miyagi do so she would've been friends with Sam again too, but she never showed to school once in the two weeks.

"'Sup front wedgie." A student greeted Yasmine as she walked with Moon and Emery.

It was the girl's first day back and her popularity was not great.

"What happened to this place?" The blonde questioned. "I go to Paris for one summer and the losers are running the school?"

"I'd be a little nicer. Half the kids know karate now." Moon suggested.

"Does that make Aisha queen bitch?"

Emery scoffed. Her and Aisha were good friends when Em joined cobra Kai. "You haven't heard? After the fight, her parents moved her to a private school."

"They even put their house up for sale." Moon added.

"At least there's some good news." Yasmine said.

Emery gave her a look.

She didn't like Yasmine that much, she could be such a bitch. But her and Moon were friends so she came like a package deal.

"Maybe for you." Moon spoke. "I feel bad for Sam. Her and Aisha were friends since they were little."

"And besides, Aisha is really nice."

ᡣ𐭩 •。ꪆৎ ˚⋅

As Emery left the classroom to go to the cafeteria her phone rang.

On it was a name she never thought would call her again.

"Hello? Sam?" She questioned.

"Emery, I, uh—" Sam's voice broke.

"Are you okay?" Emery asked.

"No." She admitted. "Can you maybe come to the dojo? I know you still have school, but I—"

"No, no, it's fine." Emery cut her off. "I'll be there in ten."

"Thank you."

As the girls hang up Emery went to her car and started driving to Miyagi do.

As she walked in she saw Sam sitting outside.


"Emery, thank you for coming." Sam smiled a bit.

"Yeah, of course. What happened?" Emery asked. "I heard from Demetri you came to school today. Why'd you leave?" She sat beside the girl.

"I thought I was ready. But then... everybody was staring at me. They think I'm crazy. And I couldn't get the fight out of my head. I just.. I keep seeing Miguel fall again and again. And then I think about what Miguel and Robby are going trough, and I just... I feel so guilty. I— I just had to get out of there. So.. I came here. Well, in-N-out, and then here. Thank you for coming, really. I know things weren't the best between us since you joined cobra Kai, but I missed you. I missed my best friend. You just seemed like the only person who would listen to me."

"I missed you too, Sam. And I might not know what really happened at the fight or how it is to experience what you're going through. But what I do know you're not alone. You have me, your family, your friends. We're all here for you Sam. The fight isn't your fault."

"But it is." Sam spoke with tears in her eyes. "If I wasn't so drunk that I would kiss Miguel, none of this would've happened."

"Sam, it was just a drunk mistake. Tory could've just confronted you guys and break up with Miguel but she chose to fight. And besides.. the dojo rivalry started way before we were born. That's to blame on our dad's."

"I thought Miyagi do we're the good guys."

"You guys are, at least you try to be. Cobra Kai is too, but the kids are so brainwashed by Kreese. I believe that in everyone is good. But some are just so shattered that they believe being good isn't good enough. You just shouldn't run away from your problems. It's just gonna break your more and more till there's nothing left."

Emery embraced the girl next to her.

"Thank you, Em. You always seem to find a way to cheer me up."

"That's what best friends are for."

ᡣ𐭩 •。ꪆৎ ˚⋅

As Emery walked to her house the next day she saw something she never thought she was in a million years.

"Dad? Mr. LaRusso?"

She could definitely see her dad was drunk, he was also beat up. It was always better if she didn't question things.

Johnny nodded while Daniel gave her a quick hi.

"What do you want?" Johnny questioned to the man.

"I went to your dojo, and saw your old sensei. What the hell happened? You said he was gone."

"Look, I don't wanna get into it right now. I got a headache. I need some sleep." Johnny explained.

Daniel looked with a confused face to Emery.

She sighed. "He took over. Kicked dad out and I left."

She went to go in her house with Johnny but Daniel spoke up.

"I got a lead on Robby."

"What?" Emery asked.

"I've been trying to find him on my own. But I thought... maybe you'd like to help, Johnny. Look, I don't wanna be here any more than you. But I k ow we both want Robby to be safe. He's out there somewhere. He doesn't have anyone to help him. The whole reason these kids got into trouble was because of us. We can't let them suffer because of our issues. The only way to end this is by working together. So? What do you say?"

"Let's do it." Johnny said.

"Sorry to ruin the moment of rivals finally teaming up together, but I'm coming too." The girl interrupted.

"No way, Em." Her dad spoke.

"Do you really think he'll talk to you? Both of you? He's still mad at you dad and he probably thinks he embarrassed Miyagi do and that you're mad at him, Daniel."

The grown ups looked at each other in defeat.

ᡣ𐭩 •。ꪆৎ ˚⋅

Sorry for taking so long to update😭

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⏰ Last updated: May 18 ⏰

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