Chapter 2

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The next day, after karate, the cobra's and Moon went to a diner

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The next day, after karate, the cobra's and Moon went to a diner.

"Oh my god. Yasmine has the same bikini as me." Moon chuckled.

"I haven't missed her one bit." Emery scoffed.

"Yeah. Tell her she can stay in France." Aisha spoke.

Tory threw an ice cube at Miguel.

"Hey." He said.

Emery turned her head around to see him.

"Oops must've slipped out of my hand." Tory smiled.

"What are you even doing, anyway?" Emery questioned.

"Going all in." He focused on his laptop.

"Does he always take sensei's advice to seriously?" Emery laughed.

Later after the girls ate they wanted to find out what Miguel's so serious about.

"You want the rest of this brownie sundae?" Tory showed him her almost empty plate. "I'm not gonna lie to you. I already ate the brownie and the whipped cream and most of the hot fudge."

"So, you saved me the melted ice cream?" Miguel asked.

"That's the best part." Emery sat down.

Miguel chuckled.

"Seriously. What are you working on?" Tory questioned.

"Uh-" Miguel stuttered a bit.

"Is it something dirty?" Emery laughed.

"No it's nothing dirty." Miguel spoke.

"Show us. Come on!" Tory grabbed the laptop.

"I could use a girl's opinion on this, actually." He gave in. "But you have to promise not to laugh."

"I can't make that promise." Tory shook her head.

"Same. I could never." Emery said.

He turned the laptop so they could all see it.

"Ta-da." On the screen was a red heart.

When he clicked on the space to start, a picture of him came in the heart. A song also started playing.

"This song is this '80s band—" Miguel explained but Tory shushed him.

After a bit Sam appeared on the screen.

Emery chuckled a bit earning a glare from Miguel.

"Is that—" Tory spoke.

She got cut off by Miguel. "Yeah. It's my ex, Sam."

The heart broke and there was a text saying.


"Oh wait. Watch this right here." The boy said.

An octopus came and glued the heart back together.

"Sam and I have this thing for octopuses, or octopi. It's kind of like our relationship mascot."

"Oh. Trust me, I know."

There was one last bit of text saying.


"Wait. That's right. You live with her. What do you think she will think?" Miguel asked Emery.

"I think.. you should delete that.." Emery spoke.

"Wait what?" Miguel said confused.

"Yeah. Put it in the trash, empty the bin and have your laptop cremated." Tory interfered.

"It's that bad?"

"Yeah. It also makes you look desperate." Tory spoke.

"Well I am desperate." The boy said.

"Yeah, but girls aren't into desperate guys." Tory explained.

"True." The other girl agreed.

"Aren't you lesbian?" Tory asked.

"Yeah? I'm not into desperate guys 'cause I'm into no guys."

"But anyway how am I supposed to let her know how I feel?" Miguel asked confused.

"Okay so I didn't want to be the one to tell you this but I think Sam has a crush on Robby.. and he also has one on Sam.." Emery explained.

He turned his head down.

"Maybe you just have to act like you're over her." Tory suggested. "Like you don't care. She'll want you back. And you know how to get over her?"

Miguel shook his head.

"Have a little fun." Tory spoke. "And I know just the place."

"Well.. I'll see you later lovebirds." She went back to the table she was originally sitting at while tory and Miguel were going to have 'fun'.

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The next day at cobra Kai Hawk and Miguel were fighting. Well till someone came into the dojo.

Emery got worried when she saw who it was.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Johnny spoke.

"Like you don't know." He said pissed off.

"Take your shoes off the mat. You're disrespecting my dojo."

"You're seriously gonna talk to me about disrespecting dojos after what you just did to mine?" Daniel was basically yelling now.

"What the hell are you talking about? I didn't do anything to your dojo." Johnny spoke confused.

"Just like you didn't slug one of my employees, huh?" Mr. LaRusso scoffed. "You know, part of me actually felt bad for you at one point, but you make it so easy to remember who the bad guy is in all of this. You call yourself a sensei? You don't even know what a sensei is. A sensei mentors. A sensei elevates. He doesn't teach destruction and disrespect!"

"I already said I don't know what you're talking about, LaRusso." Johnny spoke pissed off. "And you don't know what you're talking about either."

"Yeah, well, I know you don't... you don't earn the Medal of Honor by stealing it." Tears were swelling up in Daniel's eyes.

Emery gasped a bit in shock.

"Let me tell you something about your sensei." Daniel begun. "He might teach you how to fight, but he doesn't know a thing about what it takes to truly win at life. If you want to help yourselves before it's too late, the doors of Miyagi do are wide open."

"You think you can come in here and poach my students?" Johnny walked closer to the man.

"And what are you gonna do about it? You know I'm not gonna strike first."

"I'm gonna be a bigger man." Sensei spoke.

"Yeah. We'll see about that." Daniel looked a bit around the dojo and noticed the girl. "Emery? What are you doing here?"

"I'm here to learn karate. I might've stayed with you, but he's still my dad." The girl spoke

"Fine. But you can always stay over again if you want." He now walked out of the dojo.

Chris grabbed his bags and started walking towards the exit.

"Where do you think you're going?" Johnny spoke to his student.

"What the hell, Chris?" Mitch said betrayed.

"I never liked it here." Chris spoke.

A few other students followed his actions.

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