vi. eating grass by the roots

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Ollie stood outside Wednesday's dorm nervously, psyching herself up to knock. She hadn't been able to leave Francis behind, deciding to let him roam free for the night as a treat, and he stood perched regally on her shoulder. He was also picking stray bugs out of her hair, which was in a single tight French braid down her back.

Even if Wednesday decided at the last second to not go, Ollie resolved to go anyway. She'd taken a purposeful shower (cold, the plants didn't like hot water), had brushed her hair, and had even put on eyeliner. Also, she was wearing a dress. This was the most effort she'd put into her appearance for anything.

She swallowed heavily, lifted her hand, and knocked. 

"I'm coming, Eugene!" Wednesday shouted from inside. "Hey, did you grab any extra batteries for the flash-" She opened the door and stopped. "Ollie."

Please don't say anything about what I'm wearing, please don't say anything about what I'm wearing, please don't say anything about how you can literally see my collar bones because of this thing, please don't say anything about what I'm wearing.

Ollie took a deep breath and held up the stock paper. "I got your invite. Guessing you had Thing crawl through my window?"

Wednesday pursed her lips tightly, as if Thing had betrayed her in some fashion. "Good guess."

"I had trouble reading it at first, mostly because you have an excellent way with words, but it seemed really genuine and sweet," Ollie rambled. "I've never been asked anywhere before and I don't know if I'm doing this right. Do you need a few minutes? To get ready?"

"I- yes. Hold on, please." She shut the door and there were some indistinct words, probably directed at Thing.

"Alright, then," Ollie said, mentally high-fiving herself for a decent conversation. She walked down the stairs and stood in front of the trophy case, not wanting to crowd Wednesday at all. 

She opened a window to let Francis out first, telling him how good of a bird he was and that he deserved a night on the town, but to please be back before morning classes started.

There was a picture of an old fencing team and dusty trophies, along with the Poe Cup, which temporarily filled her with school spirit. It evaporated quickly, just as she heard footsteps on the stairs behind her. She turned around and her words caught in her throat.

It was Wednesday Addams, the scream queen herself, and she was ethereal. She also looked uncomfortable as hell. Probably due to the dress. 

"Wow," Ollie said, her throat suddenly dried. "You look..."

"Unrecognizable?" Wednesday grumbled. "Ridiculous? A classic example of female objectification for the male gaze?"

She thinks I'm a man, Ollie thought, and was bizarrely happy about that.

"Nope. The etymology of the word grotesque- the 'esque' suffix implies that it means 'like grot' or 'resembling grot', which mostly comes from the word grotto, which is a small cave- point is, girl, you look so hideous and cave-like right now." I think I might be in love with you, she added silently, ever a mess. 

Wednesday stared at her with wide eyes. "If everyone complimented me like you do, I think I would be a more sociable person. Is that a black dahlia?"

"Yeah, they started growing out of my arm while I was getting ready, which is strange, since I don't even have those seeds. I think I don't, at least. But I figured you would like it, maybe? Since it shares a name with an unsolved murder and all that."

UNDEAD BECOMES HER, wednesday addamsWhere stories live. Discover now