xi. joining the skeleton war

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"I'm planning a surprise birthday party for Wednesday tonight," Enid said. "Will you help me?" The werewolf stared at her expectantly, an eager and sunny smile on her face. 

"Goddamnit," Ollie whined. "I genuinely, actually, really want to do that, because that sounds like a lot of fun. Unfortunately, I suffer from the chronic disease of 'ouch, my bones hurt', and there is a possibility I will throw up from the pain. Is there anything I can do that doesn't involve showing up?"

"Actually, yes," Enid said, setting a magazine on the desk. "Cut out this phrase-" she held up an index card with words written on it- "and stick it on this paper. Then slide it under our door."

"Consider it done." Ollie sat up, groaning in pain. "It's really nice of you to do this for her. You're a really good friend."

"Thanks, Ollie." Enid skipped out of her room, remembering to shut the door behind her. 

Francis retrieved her scissors for her, dropping them neatly on her desk and tapping his beak against the wood until she got up and started cutting out letters. "Magazine cutout, clever," she mumbled. "Promises information in a secondary location. Couldn't be me. Ain't nobody getting me to a secondary location, especially if it's a note like this. God, I hope Wednesday is stupid enough to fall for this."

As it turned out, Wednesday was stupid enough to fall for it, but it didn't turn out too well. She got completely distracted and didn't even try the cake Tyler made for her. 

"It has a grim reaper on it," Ollie said, baffled. "Isn't that her whole schtick?"

"I know! Here, have a piece, tell me if it's good." Enid passed her a plate and Ollie took a bite. 

"Oh, my God, this is delicious. This is so chocolatey I think I'm going to pass away. Remind me to give Tyler compliments for this. And to ask him to make me a cake for my birthday. Wednesday is clinically insane, confirmed. Who wouldn't want this? Maybe someone who likes a little more sugar, I guess. No, Francis, I'm sorry, you can't have any, it's bad for your stomach."

Enid put a finger out and let Francis gently tap it with his beak. "Your bird's kind of cute, in a creepy way. I bet Wednesday likes him."

"Honestly, I can't tell. Oh, you should also get points for actually pulling this off using your deceit, trickery, and incredible people skills."

"Thank you, Ollie. At least someone appreciates my hard work. You know, I don't know why we don't hang out more."

"You called me a plant freak when I first got here after I asked you why you were so bad at Biology and then you got semi-popular and everyone likes you because you're a kind person and you're sociable and anyone would be lucky to date you," Ollie said, scooping a spoonful of honey into her mouth. 

"Oh, uh, I'm sorry. I don't remember that."

"It's okay. You're Nevermore's gossip queen. It makes sense that you'd form an opinion based on what a bunch of other people are saying. It's only human for you to do that. I'm not holding it against you." Ollie offered out the honey, which Enid waved away. "It's not like I tried to be your friend, anyway."

"Well, maybe we could change that," Enid offered.

"Yeah, sure. I like your optimism and your positive outlook on life. Your voice is really nice to listen to. You might not be the most genuine person here, but who cares, really?"

"You don't think I'm genuine?"

"I mean, I know that your resting state is happiness, or at least contentedness, but you definitely are struggling with not being able to wolf out and you probably feel like less of a wolf because of it. That's something you have to work out with yourself, and maybe with a counselor. I'm sorry, that was rude of me. I should just keep my mouth shut."

"No, it's fine. I should go, though. I have a project to do."

"Okay. I have an essay to finish, anyway. Thanks for the cake and not calling my bird an abomination."

Enid gasped. "I would never!"

"Yeah, I know, but that's the general reaction to him."

Wednesday showed up sometime later, dressed to kill. "I'm going to break into the Gates mansion," she said matter-of-factly. "You're the most similar person here to me, personality-wise. Would you like to accompany me?"

"Are you just asking so it's easier to get off campus?"


"Yeah, okay. I'm bringing Francis, though."

"This is where Garrett Gates lived," Wednesday, staring up at the gated property. "The boy my father was accused of murdering. The sheriff told me his family died, along with their legacy of hate."

"Shame. This is a nice place," Ollie said, looking up at the rundown building. "Or, I mean, it used to be."

"Ghosts don't kill the living," Wednesday said definitively, pushing the gate open. Ollie made sure it closed behind them to not attract attention. "Goody showed me this house for a reason. I need to unlock its secrets or die trying."

"Okay, clown town," Ollie said. "Wait, who's Goody?"

"My ancestor. One of the original outcasts. She killed Joseph Crackstone and started the Nightshades. I've been trying to contact her so she can help me control my visions." Wednesday's words suddenly became bitter. "Although I don't think I'll be getting much help on that front."

"Uh-huh," Ollie said slowly. "And what are the Nightshades?"

"A secret society full of losers. Rowan used to be a member. Xavier actively is one."

"Ah, okay."

They went around to the back of the house and through a concrete arch. Weird back door, but again, rich people, Ollie thought, and reached for the door handle. It began to wiggle and she almost screamed.

Instead of screaming, however, she grabbed Wednesday's shoulder and took off, hiding far away in the bracken surrounding the house. Mayor What's-His-Face left the mansion, locking the door behind him as he went. 

"I need a distraction," Wednesday said in a low voice. 

They heard the mayor talking as he walked by. "Sheriff, it's Noble," he said. So that was his name. "Listen, I may have figured out who's behind all of this."

Thing rattled branches in a tree a few feet away, spooking the mayor. 

"Uh, it's a long shot. I'm gonna have to lay it out for you."

Wednesday threaded her fingers through Ollie's and pulled her along, running towards the mayor's car. 

"We'll do it over pie at the Weathervane, just like in the old days," the mayor continued, more than a little spooked at this point.

Wednesday opened the trunk of the car and the two girls silently crawled in.

The mayor finished his call and got back in the car, none the wiser.

Ollie and Wednesday shared a secret grin. Secretly, Ollie felt like she was going to die of anxiety, and not just because the pretty goth girl was still unknowingly holding her hand.

UNDEAD BECOMES HER, wednesday addamsWhere stories live. Discover now