xiv. watching radishes from down below

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A sensation of intense agony ripped Ollie from the sweet embrace of death and delivered her right back into the cruel arms of life. The yarrow had done its job, keeping the host body alive, albeit with a little less flesh in the throat, but who needed that, anyway?

Her vocal cords were damaged from the leaves scraping against them, but they were already being repaired. It didn't stop her from making a wheeze of surprise when she saw Wednesday Addams staring down at her.

"Back with us, Archemoros?" she asked, and Ollie knew she'd been crying over something. Probably Thing. Oh, God, Thing, was he okay? "Thought we'd lose you there for a second. Good to see we didn't. If you'll excuse me, I'm going to go- uh, catch the monster."

She got up quickly and left, allowing Ollie to see that she wasn't in the infirmary, but the conservatory. Honestly, it made more sense for her to be taken there. Thornhill would've been of more use than a nurse.

"Ollie, I'm so glad to see you're awake," the lady herself said, appearing from behind a row of tables. "I've been up all night removing yarrow from your body. The self-preservation mechanism is incredible. Yarrow is known for helping with blood loss, did you know? Silly question, of course you did."

She said a few other things that Ollie didn't hear, since her gaze was focused on the literal piles of bloody yarrow sitting on Ms. Thornhill's desk. Something so innocent-looking had almost suffocated her to death.

For a moment, she wished it had.

Ollie was moved to the infirmary and spent the day there, sleeping on and off, while more emergency yarrow was removed from her chest and throat cavity, the latter of which had actually split open to allow more room for growing and breathing. 

The only reason she ever kept waking up was because of how much the stitches itched, the black thread reacting badly with the plants trying to get to the oxygen slipping through them. She thought she heard something about Xavier, about an arrest, and about Wednesday, but her brain was too foggy to put any pieces together.

Enid came to visit her that night, accompanied by Yoko and Divina. Ollie wasn't really in the mood for company, but the sincere look on Enid's face made her reconsider. However, Enid talking about Wednesday's date with Tyler made her reconsider that reconsideration.

"Please," she managed to interrupt, the first word she'd spoken all day. "No more of that."

"Oh, sorry," Enid said. "It's because of your crush on Wednesday, right?"

Ollie frowned. "Not right now. It's because she should've stayed with the book. I do one favor for her and now I have five stab wounds. She keeps getting interrupted when she's with Tyler. This bitch needs to start seeing the signs."

"The signs?" Divina asked.

"Yeah, the big red STOP sign the universe is trying to shove in her face," Ollie said, coughing a little as she sat all the way up. "It's like she puts on sunglasses and says, 'This sign can't stop me because I can't read.' I bet all of you a week of treating at the Weathervane he has something to do with the monster."

"That's a bet I'm not taking," Yoko said.

"Coward," Ollie said.

Enid smiled. "You're just saying that because you don't like him."

"On the contrary. He's a very nice, if strange, boy. But nice does not equal kind, and there is something off about him. I just hope Wednesday figures that out in time. Hey, are they serving anything good for dinner? I'm starving."

UNDEAD BECOMES HER, wednesday addamsWhere stories live. Discover now