xv. presently hunting down crackstone

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"Nice library," Ollie said.

"I can't believe you're in a secret society and you didn't tell me," Enid said.

"Because, you know, it's secret," Ajax said, like a dumbass.

People came rushing down the stairs and Enid listed them off for Ollie's convenience. "Bianca, Divina, and Kent? Seriously, even Kent is here? How exclusive is this club?"

"Exclusive," Ollie muttered. "What a joke."

"So what's the deal with Thornhill being a psycho?" Bianca asked, pointedly ignoring her.

"She murdered Weems and took Wednesday to Crackstone's crypt," Ollie said. "We have to get everyone in the school out of here and to safety before it's too late."

Ajax held up a drawing of Wednesday facing down Crackstone. "Because this is what's coming."

"So what do we do?" Kent asked. "Pull the fire alarms?"

"We don't want to cause a panic and alert Tyler or Thornhill," Davina countered. "So, how do we get everyone out?"

"We'll use our siren song to convince them," Bianca said. The three sirens shared a look, then pulled off their necklaces. 

Enid yoinked Thing off of Ollie's shoulder. "Thing and I will go look for Wednesday," she said. Thing wiggled his fingers at the siren in a gesture to say hello.

"Okay," Bianca said. "Nightshades forever." The four members, including Thing, snapped their fingers twice.

"Seriously, a secret snap, too?" Enid hissed, glaring at Ajax. He cowered, like he should.

Ollie wasn't physically strong enough to run to the crypt and back, so she helped the sirens usher people out of their rooms and get them safely down the stairs. She kept her voice calm and steady, trying to provide a sense of calm while she spoke. 

Francis was doing loops around the quad, keeping an eye out for Wednesday, Tyler, Thornhill, or Crackstone. Because he was somehow going to come back, apparently. 

Then screaming erupted from the quad. Bianca and Ollie looked at each other and ran for the noise. Well, Bianca ran, and Ollie hobbled. She got there eventually, which was what mattered.

"I will expunge you from this earth!" the ganky pilgrim roared, and burning-hot fire burst from his staff. 

"Dickhead," Ollie said, and was yanked down onto her face by Bianca. "Thank you," she said into the stone, and was promptly drowned out by the roaring fire passing overhead.

There was a lot of screaming, and fire, and noise, and pain. Ollie's head spun as she stumbled around, trying to get away from the quad, the school, everything.

She did her best to help shove people towards the exit as they ran past her, and it was only when she stumbled out into the quad did she realize she had been going the wrong way.

"Ah, beans," she muttered.

"Howdy, pilgrim," a familiar voice said, and Wednesday Addams stood proudly in the center of the quad, wielding some kind of saber.

Crackstone, for some reason, didn't seem all that happy to see her. "How canst thy heart still beat?" he snarled. "What demon sorcery is this?"

Ollie, personally, wondered where Enid went, but she was sure to find out in the near future anyway.

Xavier came sprinting up, wielding a bow and arrow. "Stay away from her!" he shouted, and let the arrow fly. 

Through some bullshit resurrection magic, Crackstone stopped the arrow, flipped it around, and sent it right back at the foolish would-be hero. Acting before her brain could list a bunch of reasons to not do that, she stepped into the arrow's path and took it directly to the chest.

UNDEAD BECOMES HER, wednesday addamsWhere stories live. Discover now