x. pushing up daisies

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Lilies and chrysanthemums of stress grew in Ollie's hair as she stood waist-deep in the freezing lake. She had her arms wrapped around herself like she was a corpse in a casket and frantically tried to calm herself down.

Eugene was in the hospital, Wednesday's dad had been arrested, Francis was following her instructions, her parents hadn't shown up. The rest of the Addams family had vanished, everyone was with their parents, and Ollie was standing in a lake with violently chattering teeth and a cold anger that was burned what was left of her heart.

"Ollie? What are you doing out here?"

"Trying not to scream."

"Why are you in the lake?"

"Trying not to scream." She gritted her teeth and drew in a few more shaky breaths.

"Is it working?"

"I'm not screaming, so clearly something is working, Enid." She twisted around and caught the crestfallen look on the wolf's face. "Shit, sorry, I'm being a bitch. I'm sorry. What's wrong?"

"My parents want to send me to a summer camp for people who can't wolf out. It's a conversion camp."

"Girl, it's probably just an overzealous attempt to make you stop being a late bloomer. My cousin went to a real conversion camp and said they teach you to hate yourself there. Your camp will probably teach you to love yourself so much there won't be any barrier between you and wolfing out. That's still messed up. They shouldn't have done that."

"Thanks. Uh, are you okay?"

"I'm standing in a very cold lake trying not to scream. I'm just peachy."


"I'm very upset about a lot of different things and I don't want to cry anymore. Unfortunately, now I'm so cold I can barely think, so I'm getting out now. Look away, Sinclair."

Wednesday ended up spending the night in jail with her parents after robbing Garrett Gates' grave, which was very sexy of her. She got her father out of jail, with all charges dropped. Enid told off her mother, which was very impressive of her. 

Ollie ate six saltine crackers in under a minute and didn't throw up, so she was feeling pretty good about herself. She was having herself a nice walk when she saw Wednesday being hugged goodbye by her little brother and went to join her. 

"Don't push it," Wednesday said, and the boy let go. 

"Well, at least we can't say Parents Weekend wasn't a nail-biter," Gomez said. 

"I knew you didn't have what it takes to be a murderer."

"As much as that stings, gracias, my little death trap."

"Hey, gang," Ollie said. "Hi, Mrs. Addams. I think it was cool of you to get arrested to be with your husband."

Wednesday's mother smiled at her. "Oh, thank you, darling," she said, her voice absolutely wonderful to listen to. "Are you a friend of Wednesday's?"

"I hope so. I'm Ollie Archemoros." She put out her hand for Mrs. Addams to shake and ignored Wednesday's glare.

"Archemoros? Would your father happen to be Olivier Archemoros?"

Ollie withheld a groan. Of course Wednesday's mother knew her dad. "The one and only. Why?"

"Oh, he simply helped one of my close friends out when he was bitten by a werewolf. Never good to shift alone, you know. It's much scarier. I do hope that Ollie doesn't stand for Olivia, though. It would be just like him to name his child after himself."

"Thank God, no he didn't. I used to wish that my name was Olivia, though. Now I think it's funny to watch people guess and not even get close. I'm sure you must be off. It was lovely to meet you, Mrs. Addams."

"Please, call me Morticia," Mrs. Addams said. "It was lovely to meet you as well, Ollie."

Ollie backed away and let the Addams women have their moment in peace. 

Francis returned sometime after dinner, beak red with blood. "Did you find a little snack?" Ollie asked, ruffling his feathers. "Was it good? You were very helpful today, buddy. Thank you-" Her words were interrupted by shouting from outside. "Let's go check that out."

She dashed down the hallway, wiping Francis's beak off as she went with her sleeve. She didn't want anyone thinking she had Francis actually peck out someone's eyes. 

Someone had set the grass on fire, and the words FIRE WILL RAIN burned ominously. 

"What an edgelord," Ollie said to Francis, who clacked his beak in obvious agreement. "I'm gonna go take a nap. This was a very long weekend. I've been so social this month I might actually be dying."

UNDEAD BECOMES HER, wednesday addamsWhere stories live. Discover now