Chapter 1.

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FIRSTLY. this chapter is kinda like idk cause seungmin is like pretty fucked up towards his mom but its just for the book 😞


Subin: mama! when is minne coming home?

The little boy asked in a whiney voice while jumping up and down on his bed in which his mom walked in the room and smiled softly

Ms kim: I dont know love, hes out with his friends.

Subin: i miss him

Ms kim: aww, you'll see him tomorrow in the morning okay? lets get you tucked in for bed

Subin giggled before getting down underneath his blankets as his mom sat down next him

Ms kim: so tell me sweetie, after school do you like walking with your brother hm?

Subin: well mama..minnie doesn't pick me up as much.

Ms kim: what?!- but hes supposed to! that son of a bi-

Subin: Nooooo no bad words mama! dont get angry please.

Ms kim frowned a bit before nodded and placing a kiss on subins forehead

Ms kim: alright baby..just go to sleep okay? MrChannie said that your class is going to be having a party tomorrow!! are you excited?

Subin: veryy!! MrChannie said that- since i got 100 on my spelling test i get candy!

Ms kim laughed a bit before nodding

Ms kim: im so proud of you baby!

Subin smiled before snuggling into his blanket yawning in which the front door opened

Ms kim: seems like mins home, goodnight baby i love you

Subin: nighty night mama, love you too

He said softly before closing his eyes and diffting off to sleep in which Ms kim got up turned the lights off before walking out and heading to the kitchen only to see her other son stuffing his mouth with food.

Ms kim: Kim Seungmin. where have you been?! do you have any idea what time it is?

The boy then looked over and giggled softly

Seungmin: ahhh mamaaa! hiii!!

He said before stumbling over hugging his mom in which she just pushed him away lightly

Ms kim: are you drunk seungmin!? i told you to stop drinking!.

Seungmin: ay don't be such a party pooper! so what? i drank a bit smoked a bit?

Ms kim: are you crazy?! I thought you quit!?

Seungmin just giggled before shrugging and walking out the kitchen into the living room laying down on the couch

Seungmin: so like- can you make me- something to eat mama?

Ms kim: how about you get your ass up and make it yourself! this isn't okay! im not going to have you be drunk and high IN MY HOUSE! ESPECIALLY NOT NEAR YOUR BROTHER SEUNGMIN!.

Seungmin: ayyy SHHHH! your ruining my high mom!!

Ms kim just groaned before leaving to the kitchen filling a pot with water and walking back to seungmin

Give Him A Chance. ~ Chanmin. Where stories live. Discover now