Chapter 15.

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Chan: hey, I'm coming in k? I have some clothes and a towel for you.

I smiled softly and continued my shower

Seungmin: yeah it's fine, come in

The door opened and I kinda saw chan putting the things down on the sink top, after a few I finished my shower and hopped out, I dried myself off and started changing into the pjs and over sized shirt chan had brought for me

Seungmin: asshole, at least give me clothes that fit me.

After changing I walked out kinda nervously  suddenly chan spoke from behind me which made me jump, when I turned he was by his bed undoing his shirt which was absolutely hot.

Chan: have a good shower?

Seungmin: uh- yeah..thanks

Chan smiled at me which made my heart kinda jump

Chan: of course..Subins in the other room down the hall if you would like to go check on him?

Seungmin: yeah no, thank yiu

I said smiled and walking out going down the hall to the room, I peeked in and saw Subin tucked in and sleeping peacefully, seeing how much chan cared for subin made me fall even more truthfully..

-end of seungmins pov.

After seungmin check up on Subin he walked back to Chans room and stood by the door kinda nervously

Chan: what's with you?

Seungmin: nothing..just nervous?..

Chan: why's that?

Seungmin: ah- it's nothing just- I think I'm gonna get Subin so we can get a ride home..sleeping over would be to much of a bother

Chan then got up and walked over to seungmin

Chan: it's not a bother when I want you to stay

Seungmin blushed and looked up slightly

Seungmin: w-what-

Chan: I want you to stay over tonight, it's to late to get back's safer here then taking an Uber

Seungmin: I don't know..for all I know you can kill me!!

Chan laughed and shook his head

Chan: I wouldn't do that but alright

Seungmin: I'm sorry..I just think we nearly know each other and well-

Chan: then let me get to know you.

Seungmin: what?

Chan: tell me about yourself, your whole life everything you want to share, let me get to know more about you..

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