Chapter 14.

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Seungmin: seems like we're both going through it huh?..

Chan looked at seungmin and laughed a bit again

Chan: yeah..i guess you're right.

Seungmin giggled softly before sitting up and wiping  chans tears away which made chan feel like the world had stopped. Nobody's ever wiped his tears? And when seungmin did it felt as if chan fell completely in love with seungmin.

Seungmin: don't cry..i know things are hard but you just have to keep pushing and and pushing. Everything will get better eventually.

He said smiling and blushing before turning hitting his pen and looking up at the sky

Chan: you never did tell me what happened at the court house you know?..

Seungmin frowned before again hitting his pen and sighing

Seungmin: right..really nothing. My aunt..on my dad's side found out about my mom passing..she's always hated me and always thinks the worse of me! Just because I smoke? And drink she thinks that's all gonna rub off onto subin! But I-it won't- and well she was there..saying she was going to fight to take subin..and-

Suddenly seungmin started breaking down softly too in which chan frowned and moved over closer to seungmin so he could lay his head on his shoulder.

Seungmin: i-i just..lost it i guess?..subins the only family i have left..I don't wanna lose him..

Chan: you won't..I promise you won't.

Seungmin giggled while crying a bit before looking up at chan softly in which chan smiled and caressed his cheek gently

Chan: you're a beautiful crier you know?.

Seungmin: thank you.

Chan and seungmin both stared at each other with love in their eyes, Chan felt completely in love again while Seungmin was feeling uneasy but also very much in love, after a few minutes of them just looking at each other suddenly it started raining which made both boys break out of the some type of trance they were in and just laugh together

Chan: holy shit!-

He said laughing softly and getting up extending his hand to help seungmin up in which he giggled and grabbed chans hand to get up but sorta tripped causing chan to grab his waist slightly and pulling him closer

Chan: woah..are you okay?..

Seungmin: y-yeah, thanks..

He said holding onto chan looking up blushing a bit, and they just stayed like that, holding each other under the rain with soft loving eyes (wish this was you huh?),

Seungmin: chan?..

Chan: yes?.

Seungmin: why is it..with you, I always seem to like you more and more everyday?..even when we don't even talk or anything?..

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