Chapter 16.

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-the next morning.

Chan was the first to wake up, once he checked the clock it read 6:30 before he turned to the side only to see seungmin who was sleeping peacefully cuddled up in his arms, He decided not to move so he wouldn't wake him up but suddenly there was a soft knock on Chans door making him confused, he carefully got up not waking seungmin up and going opening it only to see Subin standing there confused and sleepy

Chan: oh- Subin- hey, are you okay kiddo?

He said kneeling down slightly, Subin then whined and kinda cried pointing at seungmin on the bed clearly wanting to sleep with him

Subin: m-minnie-

Chan: ahh, you wanna lay with your brother?

Subin then nodded and walked over slightly hugging chan making him jump in confusion but then once he saw that Subin was clearly still half Asleep he slowly picked him up and carried him over to the bed laying him down next to seungmin before laying down himself

Chan: there you go kiddo..

He said softly while smiling seeing seungmin sleeping peacefully while somewhat cuddling with subin, chan then thought to himself  "maybe dating him
Wont be so bad.." but not long after chan ended up falling back asleep with the other two
(just imagine chan and seungmin sleeping together with a little boy in the middle of them cuddled up, it's really giving parents no?)

-an hour or two hours later.

A few hours later seungmin ended up walking up smiling slightly seeing how chan was cuddled up with subin and him, Seungmin wasn't the bed for physical affection but something about cuddling with chan made him happy and comfortable, Befote seungmin could do anything chan also woke up making eye contact with seungmin slightly

Chan: good morning cutie..

Seungmin giggled as chan whispered that in which he whispered back

Seungmin: good morning chan

Chan: wow, no nick name?

Seungmin: what would you like it to be? Asshole?

He asked softly before slowly getting up not waking subin, chan then also stood up and walked over to seungmin grabbing his waist making him blush

Seungmin: let me goo- subins gonna see and he's gonna be mad

Chan: oh? Why's that?

Seungmin: maybe because his teacher is wanting to kiss his older brother

Chan laughed and nodded softly

Chan: who said I wanted to kiss you?

Seungmin: oh wow- that's mean no?

Chan: mean? I don't have a six year old to have beef with me..their scary

He said whispering the last part which made seungmin giggle, suddenly Subin sat up yawning which made chan back up from seungmin kinda fast

Seungmin: what's-

Subin: hai! Morning Mr channie! Morning minnie!!!

He said giggling and jumping down the bed hugging seungmin slightly

Chan: good morning Subin, I'm glad you slept well.

Subin giggled and nodded

Seungmin: I think it's time for us to leave, Felix and Jisung are probably worried right now-

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