Chaapter 34.

341 14 11

Chan nodded and grabbed seungmins hand leading him to the car and opening the door for him

Seungmin: wow such a gentleman

Chan laughed and rolled his eyes as seungmin got in the car, he then went to the drivers and got in

Chan: okay I'm letting you pick, movies or dinner first?

Seungmin smiled and leaned back in seat thinking

Seungmin: hmmmmm....dinner then movies

chan nodded and started driving to a nice dinner restaurant, the whole way there seungmin was just lost staring at chan, he looked unbelievably fine and the way chan was wearing a dress shirt just made seungmin fold completely, after the drive the got to the spot and got out, once they got seated or whatever they ordered their food and started waiting

Seungmin: this is prettyyy

Chan: like you darling

Seungmin giggled and rolled his eyes

Seungmin: seems like the old man can still flirt??

Chan: old man? Your crazy, I'm 34

Seungmin: and I'm 26

Chan: wow 26 so young

Seungmin laughed and threw a piece of napkin at chan which made him laugh before resting his head on his hand and looking at seungmin softly

Seungmin: what?

Chan:'re just so handsome, I could stare at you forever..

Seungmin: shut up, your just saying that to say it

Chan smiled and brushed seungmins hair out his face slowly before moving his hand down brushing his thumb again his lips

Chan: no I'm's the truth seungmin

Seungmin: thank you then..

He said smiling shyly before turning see a guy with roses outside trying to sell them so to change the topic he pointed it out to chan who then got up, went outside and bought not only one, but the whole thing which just made seungmin blush and get even shyer

Seungmin: but why all of themmmmmm??

Chan: because you deserve them all?

Seungmin: stop flirting, I can't handle it anymore-

He said whining and putting his head down blushing, in which chan smiled and lifted seungmins head slightly making eye contact

Chan: say thank you darling

Seungmin: don't look me like that..

Chan: then say thank you for the flowers and I'll stop flirting.

Seungmin blushed and looked away slightly

Seungmin: t-thank you for the flowers..

Chan: of course darling, anything for you.

Seungmin whined while chan just laughed and smirked slightly see the affect he had on seungmin before their food came out, once so they started eating and afterwards chan paid and the two started walking out the restaurant

Chan: want me to put those in the back for you?

Seungmin: yes pleaseeee

Chan smiled and took the flowers putting them in the trunk of the car as seungmin got in the front seat, afterwards chan got in the car and started it

Give Him A Chance. ~ Chanmin. Where stories live. Discover now