Chapter 22.

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-six years later.

It's been six years since the two last saw each other, Chan did end up sending a letter out to seungmin but never heard back which made him kinda sad to say the least.

-flash back to when chan wrote the letter.

Chan grabbed writing paper, a pen and sat down at his table thinking of what to write, should he start off apologizing? Begging for forgiveness since he basically disappeared?. Get all his feelings out?. Just get his anger out? He didn't know! He just wrote what came to mind.

Dear seungmin, I know it's been years. Almost a decade since we last spoke, basically six years..I just wanted to say I'm sorry, I hate you, I miss you, I love you. I'm sorry for that night we fought, I'm sorry I didn't defend you from delilah, I'm sorry I said to stop making it about you! I'm sorry for hurting you. But I hate you. I hate you for saying those horrible things! I hate you for bringing up my divorce. I hate you for not letting me express my feelings. I hate you for believing that I said you were a hooker!. But I miss you. I miss you so much you don't understand seungmin, all I think about is you. I miss you so much I used to talk to the moon about you! can't even lie, I still do sometimes..I miss you seungmin. I miss everything about you, I miss your smile, your laugh, I miss your giggle!. I miss your touch. I miss your lips, I miss your kisses. I miss everything seungmin, which means I love you right? Well I don't know! At first I didn't believe it. I didn't believe me. Bangchan the first grade teacher that was newly divorced could move on so fast, especially to a guy I just met? Or even just to a guy!. But being away from you for six years has taught me to never take things for granted. And I'm sorry I took you for granted. I love you seungmin. I love everything about you! Your smile! Your laugh! Fucking everything! I LOVE YOU SEUNGMIN. I know it's probably too late but it's true..I love you min.

-Love, Chan.
-back to present time. (Still in chans pov of the six years.)

While chan was laying down watching the stars suddenly he got a message, it was jeongin. confusedly it was a video so he clicked on it. But once he watched the video, it made his heart melt and hurt at the same time. Seungmin did get his letter. But apparently he hid it from everyone else and didn't say anything till jeongin found it in a cabinet in a bag that said "from the loml (my future bf??!)" this mad chan smiled and giggled softly before he quickly sat up and called jeongin

Jeongin otp: hello?

Chan: he did get it?..

Jeongin: you wrote him?

Chan: yeah..i took into consideration what you said,.

Jeongin otp: yeah a year later?

Chan: shut up! I still wrote him..I'm glad he kept it.

Jeongin: has he wrote back?

Chan: no..hopefully he does tho. I really miss him.

Jeongin otp: then come back?

Chan: I can't just leave my life here to go start again over there Jeongin it's not that easy to pack up and left

Suddenly this made jeongin kinda upset

Jeongin: yeah sure but you did it already? Packed up and left?

Chan: yeah but-

Jeongin: god- I actually can't with you!

Chan: what are you talking about?

Jeongin: you! You're fucking ruining everything Chan! Cant you see seungmin loves you?! He's calling you the love of his life for fuck sake! God I actually can't with you right now- I have to go changbin is waiting for me. We have a date together

He said hanging up the phone which made chan kinda confused?

-with seungmin (still in the sixth year when he got the letter.

Right after seungmin dropped off Subin at school he checked the mail as usual

Seungmin: bills, bills, bills, hans, felixs, mine, mine, subins school, blah, blah, blah

But suddenly the last envelope caught his attention. It read "from bangchan to Kim Seungmin" which made his heart break more. He was just starting to forget chan! And now a letter pops up?, seungmin ran inside and sat down at the table opening the letter with shaking hands

Seungmin: calm down's fine..just a letter..

Seungmin pulled the paper out and started reading. Within him reading "Dear seungmin, I know it's been years. Almost a decade since we last spoke, basically six years..I just wanted to say I'm sorry, I hate you, I miss you, I love you." He started crying softly. He read Chans letter and by the end of it he was a crying mess. Chan had wrote to him! After six god damn years of waiting. Seungmin got a letter..he was happy and sad. Did this mean chan was coming back? He didn't know but he was so happy chan wrote to him, he wiped his tears before getting up heading to a cabinet and grabbing a bag that said "from the loml (my future bf??!)" which his mom had made for whenever seungmin found his person. It's clear now. Chan is seungmins person and Seungmin is Chans person. Even if they're far away from each other. They will always care, worry, and love each other of course.

-back into present time (with seungmin still within the six years)

Seungmin started feeling down again and didn't know what to do or how to handle his emotions. He didn't want to shut the world out again so he did what he knew best. He wrote down how he felt. Mostly about chan. Was he finally going to write back to chan after months of waiting? No he wasn't. He was going to write a letter and was going to keep it till Chan came back to give it to him personally, he didn't care anymore. Even if it meant hunting chan down and finding out where he lives, he sat down on the floor of his room as tears came down his face and he began writing.

Dear bangchan, I truthfully have no words. I don't know what to write other then fuck you. Fuck you for leaving! It was one stupid ass fight! And you packed up and left! I thought you loved me?? But you left me when I needed you the most. I know I wasn't any better bringing up your divorce and whatever that night but you have to understand I was hurting! I was hurting badly. And now that you wrote me. After six years? After six years now you write me?! I've been waiting patiently for you to come back to me chan. I miss you. And love you so much. But I need you to come back so I can keep loving you. I don't want to wait for you anymore. Please. Just come back soon okay?..i love you bangchan. I can't live without and these six years have shown me that..your my everything. My world. I need you by my side chan. Please come back to me. Ill show you what real love it, I'll treat you right and never yell again! Just please I'm begging you. Come back?..

-Love Seungmin.


Words - 1292

Goodbye - 09

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