Branch Pan

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Daisy was putting the kids to bed

Poppy: But mother I don't want to grow up

Daisy: Now Poppy your father was just stressed

Then she was going to close the window

Poppy: Don't lock it! He might come back

Daisy: Who?

Poppy: Branch Pan. You see I have something that belongs to him

Daisy: And that is?

Poppy: His shadow

Then Daisy left

Branch Pan came in with his pixie Sparkle Belle

Branch Pan: Alright let's find my shadow

Sparkle Belle: (jingles)

Branch Pan: You found it!

He opened the drawer and out came the shadow and Sparkle Belle was stuck in the drawer

Then Branch Pan started to chase his shadow around until he woke Poppy up

Poppy: Oh Branch Pan! You came! I saved your shadow! It needs sewing!

She sewed his shadow onto him

Poppy: I'm glad you came tonight

Branch Pan: Why?

Poppy: Because tonight is my last night in the nursery

Branch Pan: Why?

Poppy: I have to grow up tomorrow

Branch Pan: GROW UP?!

Poppy: uh huh

Branch Pan: No! I won't have it! Come on!

Poppy: Where are we going?

Branch Pan: To Neverland

Poppy: Neverland?

Branch Pan: Yep! You'll never grow up there!

Poppy: I'm so happy! I think that I'll give you a kiss

Sparkle Belle didn't like that thought and she got out 

Branch Pan: What's a kiss?

Poppy: I'll show you

Then Sparkle Belle pulled Poppy's hair and pulled her away from Branch Pan

Branch Pan: Spark stop!

He chased her around waking up Peppermint in the process

Peppermint: Viva! Viva! Wake up! He's here!

Viva: Huh?

Poppy: What was that?

Branch Pan: Sparkle Belle. Don't know what got into her

Peppermint: Hello Branch Pan! I'm Peppermint

Viva: And I'm Viva

Branch Pan: Come on Poppy! Let's go!

Peppermint: Where are we going?

Poppy: To Neverland

Peppermint: Neverland

Poppy: Yes Branch is taking us

Branch Pan: Us?

Poppy: I can't leave without my siblings

Branch Pan: Okay, but you have to follow orders

Viva: Yes sir!

Peppermint: Okay

Then Branch Pan taught them how to fly and they flew to Neverland

Second Star to the right and straight on til morning

Branch PanWhere stories live. Discover now