The Techno Trolls

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In Techno Lagoon

The female Techno Trolls were hanging out

Poppy: Oh just imagine Techno Trolls

Branch Pan: Would you like to meet them

Then he played his panpipes 

Female Techno Troll 1: Oh it's Branch

Female Techno Troll 2: Hello Branch

Female Techno Troll 3: Hello Branch

Branch Pan: Hello girls

Female Techno Troll 1: I'm so glad to see you

Female Techno Troll 3: Why did you stay away so long?

Female Techno Troll 2: Did you miss me?

Female Techno Troll 4: Tell us one of your adventures

Branch Pan: Do want to hear about the time that I cut off Creek's hand and fed it to the crocodile?

Female Techno Troll 3: Oh I've always liked that one

Female Techno Troll 4: Me too

Just as Branch Pan was telling the story

Poppy: Oh Branch

Female Techno Troll 4: Who's she?

Branch Pan: Oh her, that's Poppy

Female Techno Troll 3: A girl?

Female Techno Troll 2: What's she doing here?

Female Techno Troll 1: And in her nightdress too?

Female Techno Troll 4: Come on dearie join us for a swim

She tugged on Poppy's dress

Poppy: Oh please I'm dressed for it

Female Techno Troll 3: Oh but you must

Female Techno Troll 2: Too good for us aye

Poppy: Branch!

But Branch Pan just thought that they were playing and was laughing at what was going on

Then their king King Trollex came out and saw what they were doing and saved Poppy from being drowned

King Trollex: What are you girls doing?

Then he put Poppy down on a rock away from the female Techno Trolls

Branch Pan: I think that they were just having fun your majesty

Female Techno Troll 4: That's all

Female Techno Troll 2: We were just trying to drown her

King Trollex: Just having fun huh?

Then Branch Pan heard something and went to check it out

Branch Pan: Yep! It's Creek!

Female Techno Troll 1: Creek!

Female Techno Trolls: Creek!

Then they went back into the water to hide from Creek

King Trollex: Be more careful next time Branch. She almost drowned

Then he went into the water

Branch Pan: They have Tiger Blossom

Then they saw Tick Tock Croc following them

Branch Pan: Come on Poppy

Then they went to Music Note Rock

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