Sparkle Belle

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Sparkle Belle heard the whole thing and couldn't let Branch Pan get tricked and probably killed

She moved around in the lantern until it fell and broke and she flew to find Branch Pan

The hideout was in a waterfall so King Trollex brought Poppy inside and removed her air bubble

Poppy: Thanks Trollex

King Trollex: No problem Poppy

Poppy: Branch! Branch!

Branch Pan: Poppy?

Poppy: Branch oh thank goodness I found you

Branch Pan: I thought you said that you wanted to go home and grow up

Poppy: Branch I need your help John Dory, Jade Dory, Bruce, and Sandy have been captured by the pirates

Branch Pan: What?!

Then they heard a whistle being blown

Branch Pan: The Lost Trolls. It sounded like it was coming from Captain Creek's ship

Just as they started to leave for the ship Sparkle Belle came

Branch Pan: Hey Sparkle Belle. Can't talk now we have to save the Lost Trolls

Sparkle Belle pulls Branch Pan's hair

Branch Pan: Hey stop that! What's the matter with you?!

Sparkle Belle: *jingles*

Branch Pan: Creek? He has their whistles? And is trying to trick me?

Sparkle Belle: *jingles*

Branch Pan: Don't be ridiculous!

Poppy: Branch maybe she has a point

Branch Pan: How would she know

Then he left

Poppy: Branch wait

Sparkle Belle: *jingles*

Poppy: Wait you're telling the truth?

Sparkle Belle: *jingles*

Poppy: Then Branch is in a lot of trouble

Sparkle Belle: *jingles*

Poppy: Yeah I hear you. Wait how am I able to understand you?

Sparkle Belle: *jingles*

Poppy: I believe and have trust in you a lot?

Sparkle Belle: *jingles*

Poppy: Well let's go save Branch, my siblings, and the Lost Trolls

On Creek's ship

Branch Pan: Captain Creek! Where are the Lost Trolls?

Then Branch Pan was knocked unconscious

Pirate 1: Oh we got him now

Pirate 2: Let's take him to Captain Creek

Back at the hideout

Sparkle Belle: *jingles*

Poppy: What do you mean that we need help?

Sparkle Belle: *jingles*

Poppy: Okay I get it I can't handle the pirates on my own, but who will help

King Trollex: I will

Tiger Blossom: Same here

Tick Tock: *makes his tick tock sounds in agreement*

Then Sync towards them

Poppy: Sync!

Sparkle Belle: *jingles*

King Trollex: What are you doing here?

Tiger Blossom: Haven't you and the pirates caused enough trouble?

Sync: I'm not part of Creek's crew any more after what I heard he was going to do with Branch Pan and the Lost Trolls

Poppy: What's he going to do?

Sync: He's going to kill Branch Pan and drown the Lost Trolls

King Trollex: No!

Tiger Blossom: We can't let that happen!

Sparkle Belle: *jingles*

Poppy: You're right Spark we have to save them

Sync: Creek brought the Lost Trolls to Music Note Rock

King Trollex: Well what are we waiting for? Let's go!

Poppy: Spark if you please

Sparkle Belle: *jingles*

Then she sprinkled pixies dust on Poppy, Sync, and Tiger Blossom and they started to fly

King Trollex: Come on Tick Tock

Then he and Tick Tock swam towards Music Note Rock and the others flew to Music Note Rock

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