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Then there was a loud whistle heard across Neverland

Poppy: What was that?

John Dory: The Whistle

Poppy: The what?

Jade Dory: It's a all that the Lost Trolls have to alert each other if one of us needs help

Poppy: So one of the Lost Trolls are in trouble?

John Dory: That or someone found Blossom and Peppermint

Jade Dory: It came from Rainbow Beach

They went to Rainbow Beach, but didn't see anyone

Bruce: John? Jade?

Sandy: What are you doing here?

John Dory: You heard the whistle too?

Bruce: Yeah that's the whole reason why we came to Rainbow Beach

Sandy: Do you know who blew the whistle?

Jade Dory: No, we just got here

John Dory: And I take it that neither of you 2 blew the whistle

Bruce: Nope!

Sandy: I didn't blow it

Then the pirates came towards them

Jade Dory: Look out!

They started to fight the pirates

John Dory: Poppy! Look out!

He got in front of Poppy and fought the pirate off

A pirate kicked Sandy towards a tree and she hit her head

Bruce: Sandy!

A pirate grabbed Bruce while he was distracted

Jade Dory: Bruce!

John Dory: Jade look out!

She saw a pirate coming towards her and fought him off

Jade Dory: John we can't keep this up much longer

John Dory: I know

Then he had an idea

He took Poppy behind a rock

John Dory:  *whispers* Poppy go find Branch Pan and tell him that we need help

Poppy:  *whispers* I can't do that. He's mad at me.

John Dory:  *whispers* You have to try

Poppy:  *whispers* I can't leave you and the others behind

John Dory:  *whispers* We'll be fine

Poppy:  *whispers* How can I get there without being captured?

John Dory:  *whispers* I'll buy you some time 

Then John Dory went to fight the pirates to give Poppy  time to get to the hideout

Jade Dory: I thought that you left for second

John Dory: I just needed to make sure that Poppy was safe

Jade Dory: Fair enough, but how do we get out of this? We can't take them all

John Dory: We have to try

But then a pirate was able to grab Jade Dory

John Dory: Jade!

Then a pirate grabbed him

Captain Creek: You 2 certainly put up a fight

John Dory: You'll regret this you codfish

Captain Creek: Stop calling me a codfish! Take them to the ship!

Pirate 1: Hey isn't there a girl?

Captain Creek noticed Poppy was missing

Captain Creek: Where is she?

John Dory: I'll never tell

Pirate 2: There she is

Then Captain Creek saw her

Captain Creek: Get her!

John Dory: Poppy get out of here!

Then the pirates came towards her

King Trollex: Not on my watch

Then he grabbed Poppy and took her underwater

He used his trident and gave her an air bubble so she can breathe underwater

King Trollex: Are you okay?

Poppy: King Trollex? What are you doing?

King Trollex: I feel bad that the other Techno Trolls tried to drown you Poppy. If I can help you in any way I will

Poppy: Can you take me to the hideout? I need to get Branch Pan

King Trollex: Of course

Captain Creek: Blast that Trollex! Find him you swabs and catch him!

Then the pirates saw King Trollex and threw some nets at him

Poppy: Trollex?

King Trollex: Don't worry Poppy. I've got some friends that can help

Then some sea creatures came up and stopped the nets from hitting Trollex

Then the pirates shot cannon balls at some rocks

Poppy: Trollex look out!

King Trollex: I'm on it!

He dodged the rocks and got out of sight

Captain Creek: Blast! No matter I've got what I need to end Branch Pan

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