I Like You

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Poppy: Alright let's think

Sync: Well the pirates take advantage when the Lost Trolls split up so maybe we should search for them together

King Trollex: Yeah and my ocean friends can help find them

Tiger Blossom: And so can the animals on land

In another part of the jungle in Critter Creek 2 pirates were guarding Viva and making sure she can't escape

Pirate 1: If I didn't know any better I'd say that Clay has feelings for this girl

Pirate 2: What makes you say that?

Pirate 1: Did you see how he reacted when we separated the 2 of them and when the captain had her?

Pirate 2: Now that you mention it yeah he was acting weird like he cares about her

Then they saw something moving in the forest but couldn't see what it was

Pirate 2: What is that?

Pirate 1: I don't know

Then they looked behind them and saw a troll untying Viva, the troll had a hood over their head

Pirate 1: Hey you!

Pirate 2: Stop that!

Then the troll grabbed Viva and swung away on a vine

Viva thought that she was being captured by someone else

Viva: Let go of me!

The troll stopped swinging on the vine and landed on the ground near the edge of a cliff

Troll: Calm down Viva

Then the troll took of his hood and revealed himself and it turned out to be Clay

Viva: Clay!

Clay: Who'd you expect? TickTock Croc?

Viva: But weren't you tied up too?

Clay: Number 1 rule of being a Lost Troll: Always be ready for anything

Then he took out a dagger

Viva: You came for me? 

Clay: Of course I came for you

Viva: Why?

Clay: Because I like you Viva

Viva: Really?

Clay: Yeah

Then Viva gave Clay a kiss

Viva: I like you too Clay

Pirate 1: There you are!

Pirate 2: Wait Clay? How'd you escape?

Pirate 1: No matter. We'll just capture you both again

Clay and Viva backed up but couldn't go far because of the cliff

Clay: Oh man I don't have my whistle Captain Creek took it

Viva: What do we do?

Clay: Stay behind me, I won't let them hurt you

Then he saw Poppy and Sparkle Belle

Clay: I have an idea, but we're going to have to jump off this cliff

Viva: What?

Clay: Just trust me

Viva: Okay

Then Clay grabs Viva's hand and they jump off the cliff and Sparkle Belle sprinkled them with Pixie Dust

Viva: Poppy!

Clay: Spark!

Poppy: I'm glad that we found you 2

Sparkle Belle: *jingles*

Poppy: Yeah let's get out of here and get to safety

Then they got to the hideout

Poppy: We're back and we found Clay and Viva

King Trollex: Awesome!

Clara: Clay!

Clay: Clara!

The twins gave each other a hug

Clara: You're okay

Clay: I'm fine and so is Viva

Floyd: Bro!

Sandy: Poppy found you

Then Clay saw his older siblings, Floyd, and Flora too

Clay: Guys!

They shared a group hug and Viva and Poppy joined in

Poppy, Sparkle Belle, Trollex, Tiger Blossom, TickTock, and Sync had already saved Flora, Floyd, John, Jade, Bruce, Sandy, and Clara

Clay saw Sync

Clay: What's he doing here?

Clara: Helping

Clay: Really?

Sync: Yes I can't let that evil brute hurt you or Branch Pan

Poppy: All we have to do is find Blossom and Peppermint and find Branch Pan

King Trollex: And stop Creek!

Tiger Blossom: Yeah!

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