Oh No!

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Clara and Clay: Blossom!

Viva: Peppermint! Where could they be?

Clay: Don't worry we'll find them. I know my way around Critter Creek

Viva: I trust that you know where you're going

Clara: *whispers* I think she likes you bro

Clay: *whispers* Really?

Clara:  *whispers* Yes. Do you see how she blushes when she's around you?

Clay:  *whispers* I didn't think she liked me

Then they heard something in the bushes

Viva: What's that?

Clay: Stay behind me

 Floyd and Flora cam out

Clay: Hey guys

Clara: Any luck?

Floyd: No

Flora: They're not in Music Forest

Floyd: I take it that you haven't found them either

Cala: No luck

Clay: Maybe I can get a better look up there

Then he climbed up a tree

Viva: Where could they be?

Clara: Maybe Blossom took Peppermint somewhere in Neverland

Viva: Weren't you going to show us around?

Floyd: Yeah but maybe we missed something and Blossom took Peppermint to see a certain place that she wanted him to see

Flora: Certain place? *gasps* I got it! I know where they are!

Floyd, Clara, and Viva: Where?

Flora: Blossom went to take Peppermint to see her favorite place in Neverland

Clara and Floyd: Rainbow Beach!

Flora: Exactly!

Viva: Let's go find them

Clara: Hold up! You stay here and when Clay comes down tell him we went to Rainbow Beach to look for Blossom and Peppermint

Viva: Uh okay

Then they left for Rainbow Beach

Sync: Captain, why are we just sitting here?

Captain Creek: Waiting for the rest of the Lost Trolls. They're sure to come find Blossom and Peppermint and when they come we'll be ready for them

Back in Critter Creek

Clay cam down from the tree

Viva: Any luck?

Clay: No, couldn't see them from up there. Hey where are the others?

Viva: They went to Rainbow Beach to look for Blossom and Peppermint

Clay: Of course it makes sense now! Come on!

Then they got to Rainbow Beach but couldn't find Flora, Floyd, and Clara

Viva: Maybe we got here before them

Clay: No having lived here for years we know our way around Neverland and Clara knows all the short cuts

Then Viva notices something on the ground a whistle

Viva: Hey what's this?

Clay: That's Floyd's whistle

Viva: Whistle?

Clay: Whenever a Lost Troll is in trouble we blow into a whistle that alerts the other Lost Trolls

Viva: I don't get it

Clay: It's how we call for help

Viva: Oh

Clay: And if Floyd's whistle is here something must have happened to him

Captain Creek: Smart as ever Clay

Clay: Captain Creek!

Viva: What's he doing here?

Captain Creek: Why I was passing by and I couldn't help but overhear you talking about a whistle

Clay: You can't fool me codfish. Where are they?

Captain Creek: Who?

Clay: My siblings and Viva's brother

Captain Creek: Oh I'm sure that they're around here somewhere

Clay: I'm serious Creek

In the forest behind Rainbow Beach the pirates had capture Floyd, Flora, and Clara and were waiting for the signal to capture Clay and Viva

Then Clara bit the pirate's hand that was covering her mouth 


Clay: Clara?

Then he looked behind him and saw a pirate trying to sneak up on him and fought him off

Captain Creek grabbed Viva's arm

Viva: Let go!

Captain Creek: You're not going any where

Clay: VIVA!

Captain Creek: Don't stand there you swabs get him

Then pirates came out of their hiding places

Clay knew that he couldn't fight them off 

He took out his whistle

Captain Creek: Don't let him blow that whistle!

Clay blew into the whistle before the pirates could stop him

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