The Whistle Call

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Sparkle Belle was sitting on a flower and Sync caught her

Sync: Pardon me Miss Belle, but the Captain would like a word with you

On the ship

Captain Creek: I've heard that Pan has brought a girl to Neverland and banished you

Sparkle Belle: *jingles*

Captain Creek: Tears? So it is true

Sync: Poor thing

Captain Creek: If only I could figure out where Poppy is then I could take her away from Neverland forever

Sync: But Captain we don't know where the Lost Trolls and Branch Pan live

Captain Creek: Oh my you're right Sync

Sync: And besides when we try to capture the Lost Trolls Branch Pan some how finds us and saves them

Sparkle Belle: *jingles*

Captain Creek: Pan and the Lost Trolls have a way to find and alert each other

Sparkle Belle: *jingles*

Captain Creek: Could you tell us?

Sparkle Belle: *jingles*

Captain Creek: *whispers* Write this down Sync

The Sync took out a notepad

Then Sparkle Belle showed Creek and Sync how the Lost Trolls call each other for help

Sparkle Belle: *jingles*

Captain Creek: So that's how they each have a whistle and when they're in trouble they blow it and the others come to find them and help. Thank you my dear you have been most helpful

Then he put her in a lantern

At the hideout

Branch Pan: Well Poppy what do you think of Neverland?

Poppy: Well other then being shot from the sky and almost being drowned by the Techno Trolls I like it

Branch Pan: Great!

Poppy: But we have to go home soon

Branch Pan: Home?

Lost Trolls: Home?

Viva and Peppermint: What?

Poppy: Guys we have to go home. What will our parents say?

Viva: I guess we do need to go home

Peppermint: I miss mom and dad

Branch Pan: I thought that you didn't want to grow up

Poppy: Branch we need to go home we have a family

Branch Pan: Fine go back! But I'm warning you once you grow up you can never come back. Never!

Then he went into his part of the hideout

Blossom: Well I guess this is goodbye

Poppy: Don't worry Blossom. We'll leave tomorrow

Peppermint: Well if we're leaving can we at least see the rest of Neverland

Poppy: Sure

Clay: We can show you around

Then they left the hideout to show Poppy, Viva, and Peppermint the rest of Neverland before they left 

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