In Neverland the pirates were singing their song
Sync came out. (Sync doesn't belong to me he belongs to Jrae25)
Sync: Why good morning everyone
Pirate 1: And what is good about it Sync?
Pirate 2: We are stuck in this miserable place
Pirate 3: While the Captain plays Ring Around the Rosie with Branch Pan
Pirate 4: Tell the Captain that we wants to sail the seas
Then Sync went to the Captain
Captain Creek: BLAST THAT BRANCH PAN! If only I could find his hideout I'd trap him in it
Then he thought of something
Sync: Why hello Captain
Captain Creek: Tiger Blossom that's it!
Sync: Tiger Blossom?
Captain Creek: Yes she'll know where Pan is hiding
Sync: But Captain what if she doesn't want to?
Captain Creek: Oh a little persuasion might be what we need
Pirate 2: Branch Pan Ahoy!
Then Captain Creek pointed his spyglass up where Branch Pan was
Captain Creek: It looks like Pan has some new scurvy brats. Get the cannons ready
Sync: Get the cannons ready
Up on a cloud
Poppy: Oh Branch it's like I always dreamed it would be. Oh look Viva there's Techno Lagoon
Viva: Wow! And look the Indian Camp
Peppermint: Oh look Captain Creek and his pirate ship
Then a cannon ball fire and came towards them
Branch Pan: Look out!
Then the cannon ball hit the cloud above them
Branch Pan: Quick Spark! You take Poppy and her siblings to the island. I'll stay here and draw Creek's fire
Then Sparkle Belle started to fly towards the island with Poppy, Viva, and Peppermint following them
Branch Pan: Creek! Creek you codfish! Here!
Then 2 more cannon balls were shot towards Branch Pan, but he dodged them

Branch Pan
FanficJoin Poppy, Viva, and Peppermint on a wacky musical adventure in Neverland with Branch Pan